Announcement of Funding AFAs/AFA-01B-2014-JRI Treatment... · Announcement of Funding Availability ... Treatment Supervision Implementation - [PDF Document] (2024)

Announcement of Funding AFAs/AFA-01B-2014-JRI Treatment...· Announcement of Funding Availability ... Treatment Supervision Implementation - [PDF Document] (1)

Announcement of Funding Availability

Justice Reinvestment Act –

Treatment Supervision Implementation

A partnership of the WV DHHR and the WV DMAPS

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Proposal Guidance and Instructions

AFA Title: Treatment Supervision Implementation

AFA Number: AFA 01B-2014-JRI

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities

350 Capital Street, Room 350

Charleston, WV 25301-3702

For Technical Assistance please include the AFA # in the

subject line and forward all inquiries in writing to:


Key Dates:

Date of Release: July 18, 2014

Technical Assistance Requests: Email to [emailprotected]

Application Deadline: August 27, 2014 Close of business – 5:00pm

Funding Amount Available: See Announcement for Details (Pages 10-13)

The following are requirements for the submission of proposals to the Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF): The document includes general contact information, program information, administrative responsibilities, and fiscal requirements. Responses must be submitted using the required AFA Application Template available at DHHR.WV.GOV/BHHF/AFA. Responses must be submitted electronically via email to [emailprotected] with the AFA Title and Number in the subject line. Paper copies of the proposal will not be accepted. All submissions must be received no later than 5:00 PM on the application deadline. It is the sole responsibility of applicant to ensure that all required documents are received by the application deadline. Notification that the proposal was received will follow. A Statement of Assurance agreeing to these terms is required of all proposal submissions available at DHHR.WV.GOV/BHHF/AFA. This statement must be signed by the agency’s CEO, CFO, and Project Officer. Proposals that fail to comply with the requirements provided within this document, incomplete proposals or proposals submitted after the application deadline will not pass the initial administrative review.




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Organizations planning to submit a response to this Announcement of Funding Availability

(AFA) must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the email address:

[emailprotected] prior to submission of the proposal. List the AFA Title and

Number found on Page 1 of this document in the email subject line. These letters of intent shall

serve to document the organization’s interest in providing the type of service(s) described

within this AFA and will not be considered binding until documented receipt of the proposal.


The Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) may renew or continue funding

beyond the initial fiscal year award for up to one (1) additional fiscal year. Future funding will

be contingent on factors including, but not limited to, availability of funds, successful

implementation of goals, and documented outcomes.


Eligible applicants are public or private organizations with a valid West Virginia Business License

and/or units of local government. If the applicant is not already registered as a vendor in the

State of West Virginia, registration must either be completed by the award notification date or

the vendor must demonstrate proof of such application. It is also required that the applicants

have a System for Award Management (SAM) registration and have a Dun & Bradstreet or

DUNS number. For more information visit:

The grantee is solely responsible for all work performed under the agreement and shall assume

all responsibility for services offered and products to be delivered under the terms of the

award. The State shall consider the designated Grantee applicant to be the sole point of

contact with regard to all contractual matters. The grantee may, with the prior written consent

of the State, enter into written sub agreements for performance of work; however, the grantee

shall be responsible for payment of all sub awards.


Applications must be received to [emailprotected] on or before close of

business (5:00pm) on the deadline date. The review process will take approximately two (2)

weeks to complete with award announcements being made at the end of that timeframe.



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This funding announcement is part of a statewide Justice Reinvestment Implementation plan to

expand community based services and supports for persons convicted of a felony crime.

Approximately 3 million dollars has been allocated statewide for this initiative. The purpose of

Justice Reinvestment Implementation is to expand community based services and supports for

persons convicted of a felony crime who demonstrate a high risk to reoffend coupled with a

need for substance use treatment. Classification as high risk with moderate to high substance

use need will be determined by the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI).

There may be more than one grant awarded in any region, but targeted regional/county

program funding availability will not exceed the amounts listed in Section Two: Service

Description of this document.

Start Up Costs

Applicants who wish to request reasonable startup funds for their programs must submit a

separate “startup” target funded budget (TFB) and budget narrative along with their proposals.

For the purposes of this funding, startup costs are defined as non-recurring costs associated

with the initiation of a program. These include costs such as fees, registrations, training,

equipment purchases, renovations and/or capital expenditures.

For the purposes of proposal review, all startup cost requests submitted by the applicant will be

considered to be necessary for the development of the proposed program. If, when taken

together, the startup costs and program costs exceed funding availability BBHHF will contact

the applicant organization and arrange a meeting to discuss remedial action.

Funding Reimbursem*nt

All grant funds are awarded and invoiced on a reimbursem*nt basis. Grant invoices are to be

prepared monthly and submitted with and supported by the Financial Report and Progress

Report to receive grant funds. The grant total invoice should agree with amounts listed on the

Financial Report and reflect actual expenses incurred during the preceding service period. All

expenditures must be incurred within the approved grant project period in order to be

reimbursed. Providers must maintain timesheets for grant funded personnel and activities

performed should be consistent with stated program objectives.

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The WVDHHR, Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) and The Division of

Justice and Community Services (DJCS) will utilize the six sub-state planning regions designated

by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin consistent with the Governor’s Advisory Council on Substance

Abuse (GACSA) for the purposes of funding distribution.

Region 1: Hanco*ck, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, and Wetzel Counties

Region 2: Morgan, Berkeley, Jefferson, Mineral, Hampshire, Grant, Hardy, and Pendleton


Region 3: Tyler, Pleasants, Wood, Ritchie, Wirt, Jackson, Roane, and Calhoun Counties

Region 4: Monongalia, Marion, Preston, Doddridge, Harrison, Taylor, Barbour, Tucker, Gilmer,

Lewis, Upshur, Randolph, and Braxton Counties

Region 5: Mason, Cabell, Putnam, Kanawha, Clay, Wayne, Lincoln, Boone, Mingo, and Logan


Region 6: Webster, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Fayette, Greenbrier, Raleigh, Summers, Monroe,

Wyoming, McDowell, and Mercer Counties

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Justice Reinvestment in West Virginia

Overview excerpted from the Justice Center, Council of State Governments website

Between 2000 and 2009, the number of people in West Virginia’s prisons increased at a rate

triple the national average, while the state’s resident population remained flat. With the prison

population expected to increase 24 percent by 2018, the state projected that accommodating

this growth would cost at least $200 million in construction costs and $150 million in operating

costs between 2013 and 2018.

In 2012, the CSG Justice Center began working with state leaders in West Virginia to develop

data-driven, consensus-based policy options designed to reduce corrections spending and

increase public safety. CSG Justice Center experts conducted a comprehensive analysis of West

Virginia’s criminal justice data and interviewed stakeholders across the criminal justice system

to identify challenges facing the state:

The biggest driver of growth in the state’s prison population between 2007 and 2011 is

the number of people whose community-based supervision has been revoked, which is

compounded by the length of time they spend in prison once reincarcerated.

The number of people who complete their sentence in prison and return to the

community without any post-release supervision has increased significantly during the

same period. Inefficiencies in correctional intake and parole decision-making processes

contribute to this trend.

Failure to adhere to the terms of probation or parole often stems from an individual’s

substance use and addiction needs and contributes to the growing prison population.

Few of those under supervision receive treatment in their communities.

West Virginia’s justice reinvestment framework includes policies designed to address these

challenges. Senate Bill (SB) 371, the legislation incorporating these policies, was signed into law

in May 2013. Among other things, SB 371:

Strengthens community-based supervision by requiring supervision agencies to use risk

assessments to ensure that supervision practices focus on individuals most likely to

reoffend and respond to probation and parole violations with swift, certain, and more

cost-effective sanctions;

Increases accountability by mandating that people convicted of violent offenses receive

one year of supervision upon release from prison and by permitting judges the discretion

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to order that people convicted of nonviolent offenses and not previously paroled to serve

the last 180 days of their sentences under community supervision;

Streamlines correctional system processes by requiring the use of a pretrial screening

instrument in jails that predicts risk of flight and risk of reoffending and by requiring the

West Virginia Parole Board to interview parole-eligible individuals whose paperwork is

not yet complete; and

Expands access to substance abuse treatment by creating a new “treatment supervision”

sentencing option that provides substance abuse treatment to individuals under

supervision and by expanding the use of drug courts throughout the state by 2016.

These policies are projected to avert up to an estimated $200 million in construction costs and

$87 million in operating costs between 2014 and 2018. SB 371 also positions West Virginia to

reinvest $3 million of the projected savings into substance abuse treatment for people under

community supervision in FY2014. At the state’s request, the CSG Justice Center continues to

provide assistance in the implementation of these policies.

Implementation Planning

The implementation of the Justice Reinvestment Act (JRA) will provide a foundation for change

in serving the criminal justice population effectively and efficiently. The WV DHHR, Bureau for

Behavioral Health and Health Facilities and the WV DMAPS, Division of Justice and Community

Services were asked by the Office of the Governor to develop an action plan required for

implementation of the treatment supervision sentencing option as outlined in the JRA. The

partnership focuses on engagement of behavioral health service treatment providers, and

provision of targeted training for offender populations. The increased collaboration between

providers and community corrections professionals will expand effective substance use

treatment services and reduce recidivism among the offender population. This collaborative

approach to services development and coordination forges a long overdue partnership and

avoids service system duplication. Extensive research on national best practice, key stakeholder

interviews and data analysis were used to inform this treatment supervision implementation

plan. It is important that national, state and local efforts be considered in the development and

alignment of service systems.

The purpose of the West Virginia Justice Reinvestment Treatment Supervision Implementation

Plan is to set forth strategies to reduce recidivism of offenders with substance use disorders,

thus decreasing the overrepresentation of individuals with behavioral health disorders within

the recidivist population. This will be accomplished through the development of a common

structure for community supervision agencies and behavioral health treatment providers in an

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effort to enhance collaborative partnerships and coordinate care for offenders being supervised

in the community. Senate Bill 371 provides a foundation for the development of a joint plan

between the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety (DMAPS) and the Department of

Health and Human Resources (DHHR) to implement an effective system of treatment

supervision for high risk felons with substance use need.

Understanding the Need

According to the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Director

Pam Hyde states in her presentation, Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice: Challenges and

Opportunities, half of all incarcerated people have mental health problems; sixty percent have

substance use disorders and one third have both. Two thirds of people in prison meet the

criteria for substance use disorders yet less than fifteen percent receive treatment after

admission. Twenty four percent of individuals in state prisons have a recent history of mental

illness yet only thirty four percent receive treatment after admission. Over 700,000 federal and

state prisoners are released to communities in the United States every year. Correctional

behavioral health problems become community behavioral health problems.

The treatment supervision sentencing option was designed to address several issues identified

by the Justice Center. They concluded that more intensive treatment options are needed at the

community correctional level. They further identified a need for more robust sanction options

for violating the terms of community supervision besides incarceration. Between 2005 and

2011, revocations from community supervision increased by 47 percent at a cost of $150

million in incarceration costs from 2007 to 2011.

For offenders who demonstrate a high risk of recidivism, treatment supervision serves as an

option of first resort. If a sentencing judge determines that substantial behavioral health issues

are driving a criminal’s behavior, he or she may utilize the high level of treatment services

afforded by this option as an alternative to incarceration. This option may also be used for

parolees who demonstrate similar behavioral health issues prior to release.

In addition, this option may also be utilized as an alternative to revocation from community

supervision. If a judge or the parole board concludes that an offender’s violation of their

community supervision was driven by behavioral health issues, treatment supervision may

serve as an alternative to revocation.

The offender population will now have greater access to healthcare coverage through health

insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion. There will be more opportunities to coordinate

new health coverage with other efforts targeted at the offender population. Addressing

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behavioral health needs can reduce recidivism and expenditures in the criminal justice system

while increasing public health and safety outcomes.

Key Implementation Plan Recommendations and Strategies

To better understand the scope of work that is being undertaken at all levels within the justice

system and to align and complement those efforts the following recommendations were

developed. These recommendations will guide efforts to fully and effectively develop statewide

capacity to serve offenders as part of reentry efforts.

1. Guide quality improvement and capture consistent process and outcomes through shared

assessment, evaluation and information sharing practices across the criminal justice system by:

Developing system and project-wide information sharing protocols among/ between

justice services and community service providers

Creating a single dashboard for capturing consistent agreed upon measures providing a

readily accessible snapshot of performance and cost savings. (see example, Vermont


Building on extant DJCS: Office of Research and Strategic Planning (ORSP) quality

assurance processes to ensure adherence to risk-need-responsiveness principles

Utilizing standardized fidelity measures for implementing assessments and service


Enrolling all treatment providers in the LS/CMI online system and Online Learning

Management System to administer and track (re)certifications of all training


Implement a standardized treatment planning document, to compliment and provide

supplementary information for LS/CMI case plans

2. Improve person-centered, individualized care for offenders with behavioral health needs by

implementing evidence-based programs and practices by:

Administering Clinical assessments would be given to 100% of individuals prior to

sentencing and release who are considered for community treatment and support


Providing consistent evidence based practices (EBP) training and interventions across

the criminal justice and behavioral health systems

Building on existing quality assurance systems to improve monitoring of assessment

quality, case plans, provider/Day Report Center (DRC) staff credentials, and outcomes

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3. Ensure that all behavioral health and criminal justice providers/facilities (jails, prisons, drug

courts, day report centers) offer a consistent continuum of assessment, treatment and

community peer/recovery support services by:

Conducting consistent risk/needs and clinical assessments in all systems to individuals at

risk for substance use/co-occurring disorders

Offering consistent behavioral health services individuals diagnosed with substance

use/co-occurring disorders

Assigning 100% of individuals considered for community supervision a peer

recovery/support specialist prior to release from any institution and/or upon placement

into community corrections directly

Providing funding targeted to engagement and out- patient services

Providing targeted funding for community peer/recovery support services

Providing funding targeted to recovery residences to provide safe and stable housing for

individuals in community support services

4. Improve consistency in community and peer support expansion by enhancing the monitoring

and supervision of local day report centers by:

Developing a clear policy framework for the implementation of treatment supervision

Co-monitor behavioral health services in coordination with BBHHF

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Justice Reinvestment Act: Treatment Supervision Implementation

Target Population(s): Adults men and women (ages 18+) convicted of a felony crime who

demonstrate a high risk to reoffend coupled with a need for substance use treatment

The purpose of Justice Reinvestment Implementation is to expand community based services

and supports for persons convicted of a felony crime who demonstrate a high risk to reoffend

coupled with a need for substance use treatment. Partnership development and service system

integration are key components essential to the initiative’s success. Through a collaborative

effort behavioral health providers and community corrections professionals will expand

effective substance use treatment services and reduce recidivism among the target population.

In doing so, a customized, statewide continuum of care will develop that addresses the unique

treatment and recovery needs of these individuals. Recovery, as defined by the Substance

Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA), is a process of change whereby

individuals work to improve their own health and wellness and to live a meaningful life in the

community while striving to achieve their full potential.

This initiative will utilize the SAMHSA’s service definitions to guide service development.

Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Support services, Community Support services and

Recovery Support services were identified as the continuum of community based programming

necessary to provide access to treatment systems and to promote the recovery of the target

population. Table 1 provides a list of eligible services for project development, while Appendix

A provides additional guidance and credentials. Evidence-based, community treatment and

recovery support services, coupled with a safe and sober living environment will improve the

target population’s chances for remaining in the community as well as a lasting recovery.

Table 1. Eligible Services for Project Development and Estimated Cost

Eligible Services for Project Development

1. Outpatient & Intensive Outpatient Support Services

Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient site development with service capacity and support for those who are not Medicaid eligible/uninsured

See Appendix A. Service Definitions/ Credentials/ Standards

Est. Cost $50,000.00 per site

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2. Community Support Services: Community Engagement Specialists

Addition of Community Engagement Specialists to provide community support services

See Appendix A. Service Definitions/ Credentials/ Standards

Est. Cost $45,000.00 per position

3. Community Support Services: Recovery Housing

Level II. 8-10 bed recovery facility with recovery supports Level III. 60-100 bed recovery facility with recovery supports See Appendix A. Service Definitions/ Credentials/ Standards

Est. Cost Level II-$125,000.00(max) Level III-$300,000.00 (max)

4. Recovery Support Services: Recovery Coaching

Addition of Recovery Coach staff to provide on-going recovery support

See Appendix 1.Service Definitions/ Credentials/ Standards

Est. Cost $35,000.00 per position

Selected Phase One and Phase Two Project Sites

Due to barriers most often associated with community re-entry, a two-phase approach has

been adopted to support gradual and carefully monitored implementation. With over nine

million individuals cycling through jails in the United States each year and two thirds of state

prisoners rearrested within three years of release, this graduated process is necessary to

support comprehensive systems change. Collaboration among community based providers will

be the key to successful program implementation. Through cross-training opportunities and

intense technical assistance monitoring, the capacity of phase one treatment providers will be

increased. These highly trained individuals will serve as mentors and share lessons learned with

phase two providers. Data collected during the first phase will also help inform and improve

future and on-going practice.

The map below and Table 2 represent the pilot sites targeted for phases one and two of this

project and specific service designations. These sites were selected for their respective phases

based on extensive review of State and local data, current research, and capacity to implement

evidence based practices relevant to the target population. The selection of pilot sites was

guided by information made available through the WV Department of Military Affairs and

Public Safety, Division of Justice and Community Services, Division of Corrections, Regional Jail

Authority, the WV Supreme Court of Appeals and the WV Department of Health and Human

Resources, Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities. Given the collaboration set forth

in SB 371, §62-15-6a (d) regarding the interface between the DJCS and the Governor’s Advisory

Council on Substance Abuse the Governor’s six regions have been utilized to support alignment

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of all substance use related service system development initiatives that have been underway

and planned through this effort.

Eligible Service Designations by Region

Table 2 identifies eligible service recommendations for Phase one by region that may be

proposed by applicants. Table 3 provides equivalent information for identified Phase two

targeted areas. Organizations may apply for one or multiple service areas but are encouraged

to demonstrate partnership efforts through the development of shared proposals. The

allocation amounts and service designations were determined based on the review of projected

individuals entering community supervision, current treatment service availability and provider

capacity to provide all services indicated. Applicants will only need to complete 1 proposal

when applying for multiple services.

Example1: A Day Report Center enters into a partnership with the local Substance Use Service

Provider and a Faith Based Organization to offer: Out-Patient and Community Support Services

combined with a Level I- Recovery Residence. In this instance, one application would be

sufficient with an application total of $220,000. based on service costs.

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Example2: A Substance Use Service provider capable of offering all program/project

requirements described within a region. In this instance, one application for all projects would

be sufficient however Memoranda of Understanding with the required community partners must

be developed as part of the application process.

Current Funding Available

Table 2. Service Selection Phase 1

Region Site Location Service Selection

Four Monongalia 1 Site OP/IOP

1 FTE Community Engagement Specialist

1 FTE Recovery Coach

Five Cabell/ Logan 1 FTE Community Engagement Specialist

Table 3. Service Selection Phase 2

Region Site Location Service Selection

One Hanco*ck 1 Site OP/IOP

1 FTE Community Engagement Specialist

1 Recovery Residence Level III

Two Morgan, Berkeley, Jefferson, Mineral 1 Site OP/IOP

1 FTE Community Engagement Specialist

2 FTE Recovery Coach

Four Harrison, Lewis, Randolph 1 Site OP/IOP

Five Kanawha, Wayne 1 Recovery Residence II

1 Recovery Residence III

Six Greenbrier 1 Site OP/IOP

1 FTE Community Engagement Specialist

1 Recovery Coach

Collaboration and Memoranda of Understanding Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate that a coordinated and integrated service system is in place to

meet the complex needs of the identified target population. In doing so, Memoranda of

Understanding (MOUs) must be completed among key partnering agencies indicated* and

other organizations, which may include but are not restricted to:

Behavioral Health (Substance Use and Mental Health)*

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Recovery Housing Programs and/or Local Public Housing Authorities *

Primary Health/ Health Department*


Obstetric/Gynecological (* If women’s program)


Childcare (* If women’s program)

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Providers

Individual/Family Assistance Programs*

Early Intervention and Home Visiting Programs

Family and/or Drug Courts (Adult or Juvenile)*

Criminal Justice (Day Report, Regional Jails, Probation)*

Employment, Education and/or Vocational programs*

Training Requirements

According to SAMHSA’s GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, there

are specific evidence-based programs and practices which have been deemed effective for

treating substance use and dependence among the offender population. Cross-training

among criminal justice and behavioral health providers who share responsibility for

supervision and treatment of offenders in the community is critical. An offender population

has unique characteristics that contribute to their risk for reoffending and it is important that

community behavioral health providers are well-versed in the principles and treatment

strategies associated with effective correctional intervention.

All awarded applicants will be required to participate in grantee orientation training and will

also attend training in a minimum of 1 evidenced based curriculum to be determined by the

planning and implementation team. Travel costs for essential program staff attending the

required grantee training need to be included in the budget for 5 days in Charleston not to

exceed more than $1075 per person. Additional trainings will be covered by the funding


Table 4. Training Requirements

Grantee Required Training

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Offender Risk Assessment

Motivational Interviewing

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Relapse Prevention

Medication Assisted Treatment

Offender Case Coordination

Clinical Assessment

Understanding Criminogenic Risk/Need and Principles of Effective Correctional


Community and Peer Based Supports

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Eligible applicants must provide proof of a valid West Virginia business license and comply with

all requirements provided within this AFA. All proposals will be reviewed by the BBHHF staff for

administrative compliance. Proposals that fail to comply with the requirements provided

within this document, incomplete proposals or proposals submitted after the application

deadline will not pass the initial administrative review. A Statement of Assurance agreeing to

these terms is required of all proposal submissions to BBHHF. This statement must be signed

by the applicant organization’s CEO, CFO, and Project Officer. All applications passing the

administrative review will be subsequently forwarded to an independent grant review team

which will score the proposal narrative consisting of five areas:

A. Population of Focus and Statement of Need (10 points)

B. Proposed Evidence-Based Service/Practice (20 points)

C. Proposed Implementation Approach (50 points)

D. Staff and Organizational Experience (10 points)

E. Data Collection and Performance Measurement (10 points)

Proposal Abstract – All proposals must include a one-page proposal abstract. The abstract

should include the project name, description of the population to be served, planned

strategies/interventions, and a general overview of service goals and measurable objectives,

including the number of people projected to be served annually. Proposal abstracts may be

used for governmental reports and public release. As such, all applicants are encouraged to

provide a well-developed abstract document. See Table 5 for length guidelines.

Proposal Narrative – The Proposal Narrative describes your project. It consists of Sections A

through E. Sections A-E together may not exceed the page limit (see Table 5 for guidelines);

applicants must utilize 12pt. Arial or Times New Roman font, single line spacing, one (1) inch

margins, and include page numbers.

Supporting Documentation – The Supporting Documentation provides additional information

necessary for the review of your proposal. It consists of Sections F and G. These documents

and/or attachments will not be counted towards the Proposal Narrative page limit; however,

Section F and G together may not exceed the page limit (see Table 5 for guidelines).

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Maximum number of lines/pages permitted for proposal submission is provided in Table 5;

limits for the Abstract, Proposal Narrative and Supporting Documentation must also be upheld.

All pages submit as part of the proposal submission will count toward this maximum limit.

Materials not requested within this AFA such as cover/heading pages, additional supporting

documentation, etc. will be counted. Proposals that exceed this maximum limit and/or the

limits established for the Proposal Narrative and Supporting Documentation will not pass the

initial administrative review.

Table 5. Formatting Requirements

Single Service Proposal Multi-Service/Joint Proposal

Abstract Max. 35 Line Max. 50 Line

Project Narrative (Section A – E) Max. 20 Page Max. 40 Pages

Supporting Documentation

(Section F – G)

Max. 20 Page Max. 30 Page

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Section Five: PROPOSAL OUTLINE All proposal submissions must include the following components without exception to be reviewed.


Provide a brief description of the proposed service as earlier set forth in this document.

Proposal Narrative:

A. Population of Focus and Statement of Need: (10 Points)

Provide a comprehensive demographic profile of the target population in terms of race,

ethnicity, language, gender, age, socioeconomic characteristics, and other relevant

factors, such as literacy, citing relevant data. Identify the source of all data referenced.

Clearly indicate the proposed geographic area to be served, by Region and County(ies).

Discuss the relationship of the target population to the overall population in the

proposed geographic area to be served citing relevant data. Identify the source of all

data referenced.

Describe the nature of the problem, including service gaps, and document the extent of

the need (i.e. current prevalence rates or incidence data) for the target population

based on data. Identify the source of all data referenced. Documentation of need may

come from a variety of qualitative and quantitative sources. Examples of data sources

for data that could be used are key informant interviews, newspaper article, focus

groups, local epidemiologic data, state data, and/or national data.

Identify health disparities among the target population relating to access, use, and

outcomes of the proposed service citing relevant data. Identify the source of all data


Document the need for an enhanced infrastructure to increase the capacity to

implement, sustain, and improve effective substance use and co-occurring substance

use and mental health services in the proposed geographic area to be served that is

consistent with purpose of the AFA.

Describe the existing stakeholders and resources in the proposed geographic area to be

served which can help implement the needed infrastructure development.

Include a Reference/Work Cited page for all data referenced within proposal in

Attachment 1.

B. Proposed Evidence-Based Service/Practice: (20 Points)

Describe the purpose of the proposed service.

Clearly state the goals, objectives and strategies for the service. These must relate to

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the purpose of the AFA and each of the performance measures identified in Section E:

Data Collection and Performance Measurement.

Describe all evidence-based practice(s) (EBP) that will be used and justify use for the

target population, the proposed service, and the purpose of this AFA. To verify/review

EBPs visit SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices at

If an EBP does not exist/apply for the target population and/or service, fully describe

practice(s) to be implemented, explain why it is appropriate for the target population,

and justify its use compared to an appropriate, existing EBP.

Describe how the proposed practice(s) will retain fidelity to the chosen practice, while

addressing the following issues in the target population: demographics (race, ethnicity,

religion, gender, age, geography, and socioeconomic status), language and literacy,

sexual identity (sexual orientation and gender identity) and disability.

Identify any screening tools that will be used and basis for selection. Screening tools do

not include clinical assessments, admission criteria, or intake data collection

instruments. For more information visit SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health

Solutions (CIHS) ‘Screening Tools’ website:


Describe how previously identified health disparities will be addressed and suggested

strategies to decrease the differences in access, service use, and outcomes among the

target population. One strategy for addressing health disparities is use of the National

Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and

Health Care which can be found at:

Describe how the applicant organization will ensure cultural competence in service

implementation. All BBHHF grantees are required to receive cultural competence

training and to ensure that no one will be discriminated against due to race, ethnicity,

religion, gender, age, geography or socioeconomic status. All materials associated with

awarded funding must be developed at low literacy levels for further understanding and

comprehension in WV communities.

Describe how privacy and confidentiality will be ensured throughout the entirety of the

service, including collection and dissemination of data, consumer feedback, etc.

C. Proposed Implementation Approach: (50 Points)

Provide a one (1) year/twelve (12) month chart or graph depicting a realistic timeline of

the service. The timeline must include the key activities, staff(s)/partners responsible

for action and timeframe for each activity through all phases including but not restricted

to planning/development, implementation, training/consultation, intervention(s)

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milestones (EBPs), data collection/reporting, quality assurance, etc. Be sure to show

that the project can be implemented and delivery of the service can begin as soon as

possible, and no later than six (6) months post award. Note: The timeline should be part

of the Proposal Narrative. It should not be placed in an attachment.

Describe how achievement of the proposed goals, objectives, and strategies identified

for the service will produce meaningful and relevant results in the community (e.g.

increase access, availability, prevention, outreach, pre-services, treatment and/or

recovery) and demonstrate the purpose of the AFA.

Describe the proposed service activities and how they relate to the goals, objectives and

strategies, how they meet the identified infrastructure needs, how they fit within or

support the development of the statewide continuum of care.

Identify any other organizations that will participate in the proposed project. Describe

their roles and responsibilities and demonstrate their commitment to the project with a

letter of support and/or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Include letters of

support and MOUs from community organizations and/or partners supporting the

project in Attachment 2.

Describe how you will work across systems to ensure that services provided to the

target population are coordinated and considered by multiple levels and systems.

Clearly state the unduplicated number of individuals to be served (annually) with grant

funds, including the types and numbers of services to be provided. Include the

projections for sub-population (family/primary supports) served separate from

projections for the targeted population.

Describe additional training to be sought and utilized in the development of the service,

identifying key training components (by title) and their relevance.

Describe how you will screen and/or assess clients for the presence of co-occurring

mental health and substance use disorders and use the information obtained from the

screening and/or assessment to facilitate appropriate referral to treatment for the

persons identified as having such co-occurring disorders.

Describe how you will ensure the input of the target population in planning,

implementing, and assessing the proposed service. Describe the feedback loop

between the target population, the applicant organization, partners/key stakeholders,

and the BBHHF in all implementation stages of the project.

Describe how you will facilitate the health insurance application and enrollment process

for eligible uninsured individuals receiving the proposed service. Also describe how you

will ensure the utilization of other revenue realized from the provision of substance use

treatment and recovery services to the fullest extent possible, using BBHHF grant funds

only to serve individuals for whom coverage has been formally determined to be

unaffordable; or for services that are not sufficiently covered by an individual’s health

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insurance plan (co-pay or other cost sharing requirements are an acceptable use of the

BBHHF grant funds).

Identify the potential barriers to successful conduct of the proposed service and

describe strategies to overcome them.

Describe your plan to continue the proposed service after the funding period ends.

Also, describe how service continuity will be maintained when there is a change in the

operational environment (e.g. staff turnover, change in project leadership) to ensure

stability over time.

Describe the facility(ies) to be utilized, if any, for the service. This includes an existing

facility already owned and operated by the applicant organization, or a facility for which

the applicant organization has a detailed business plan for acquisition, leasing, or other

manner of habitation. The BBHHF is available to discuss what options may exist for

securing a building or other location in the event that a location is not readily available.

If the applicant organization chooses to speak to the BBHHF regarding what options may

exist, the discussions must occur prior to submission of the proposal. Any architectural

plans or diagrams that may exist may be included in Attachment 1

D. Staff and Organization Experience: (10 Points)

Discuss the capability and experience of the applicant organization. Demonstrate that

the applicant organization has linkages to the target population and ties to

grassroots/community-based organizations that are rooted in the culture of the target


Provide a complete list of staff positions for the service, including the Project Officer and

other key personnel, showing the role of each, their level of effort/involvement and


Discuss how the key personnel have demonstrated experience, are qualified to serve

the target population and are familiar with the applicable culture.

Discuss the applicant organization’s current level of participation in the Governor’s

Regional Substance Abuse Task Force Meetings in the proposed region and document

your ability to attend future meetings.

E. Data Collection and Performance Measurement: (10 Points)

Describe the plan for data collection, management, analysis, and reporting on the

required performance measures, as specified in Section Six: Expected Outcomes /

Products of this AFA. Specify and justify any additional measures or instruments to be


Describe the data-driven, quality improvement process by which target population

disparities in access, use, and outcomes will be tracked, assessed, and reduced.

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Describe how data will be used to manage the service at a systems level to ensure that

the goals, objectives, and strategies are tracked and achieved.

Describe how information related to process and outcomes will be routinely

communicated to the target population, staff, governing and advisory bodies, and


Supporting Documentation:

F. Budget Form and Budget Narrative: All requirements set forth in Section F must be

included in Attachment 3

Include a proposed Target Funding Budget (TFB) with details by line item, including

sources of other funds where indicated on the TFB form.

Include expenses for attending BBHHF-required meetings and trainings.

Include a Budget Narrative word document with specific details on how funds are to be


The Budget Narrative clarifies and supports the TFB. The Budget Narrative should

clearly/specify the intent of and justify each line item in the TFB.

Describe any potential for other funds or in kind support. Please include a description of

such funds as a supplement to the Budget Narrative word document.

Prepare and submit a separate TFB form for any capital or start-up expenses and attach

this separate TFB form to the coordinating Budget Narrative word document.

Additional financial information and requirements are located in Appendix B

All forms referenced in Section F: Budget Form and Budget Narrative can be accessed through

the BBHHF web-site at:

Targeted Funding Budget (TFB) Instructions available at:


G. Attachments 1 through 3:

Attachment 1: Reference/Work Cited Page (to include all proposal data citations);

Facility/site diagrams (if applicable/available)

Attachment 2: Letters of Support / Memorandum’s of Understanding (MOU)

Attachment 3: Targeted Funding Budget(s) and Budget Narrative(s)

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Performance Measures:

The implementation of evidence-based practices requires evaluator involvement in the

measuring of staff and program performance. Performance will be monitored throughout each

phase of implementation, providing periodic feedback to DJCS, BBHHF, correctional supervision

agencies, and funded services providers.

Capturing and Reporting Outcomes

The BBHHF will provide clinical and fiscal oversight of the awarded grantees in combination

with the DJCS. The DJCS will also continue to monitor day report centers and collect data on

service delivery and offender outcomes. Efforts will be made to develop joint monitoring

procedures that account for treatment integrity specific to offender populations and common

behavioral health modalities. Joint monitoring procedures will provide consistency in

measurement and reporting for treatment providers and community supervision agencies. The

assumption is that if provider staff is trained in best practice interventions, and quality

programming is implemented, individual outcomes will improve.

Therefore, it is critical that training specific to offender populations occurs and continues on an

ongoing basis and that training efforts and service delivery are closely monitored for quality. As

mentioned in the recommendation, in order to report on the effectiveness of the JRA and

understand cost savings, it will be necessary to capture consistent measurements program-

wide that include, but are not limited to:

Performance Measure Admission Discharge

Number of admission by level of care and number of persons served

Number of persons served (unduplicated count) for alcohol and other drug use services by age, sex, race, and ethnicity

Number of persons employed or student (full-time or part-time) prior 30 days

Number of persons living in a stable living condition prior 30 days

Number of persons without arrests prior 30 days

Number of persons with no alcohol use in the last 30 days

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Number of persons with no drug use in the last 30 days

Number of persons participating in self-help groups prior 30 days

Length of stay (in days) of persons completing service

In addition to the summary measures above, correctional interventions require the consistent

measurement of relevant, evidence-based practices accompanied with feedback to both

providers and individuals. Relevant practices for offender populations include, but are not

limited to, monitoring the quality of offender assessments, case plans, motivational

interviewing, and staff interactions. Use of core correctional practice and adherence to the

risk-need-responsivity principles is also necessary for influencing outcomes. Therefore, DJCS

and BBHHF will adjust performance measures throughout the project. Changes in performance

measures will be informed by preliminary monitoring and outcomes results as well as evidence-

based practices and research from both the correctional and behavioral health fields.

Peer Review Process

All grantees must discuss their willingness to participate in a peer-review process to assess the

quality and appropriateness of substance use services that will foster the increased availability

and sustainability of evidence based practices, programs and policies.

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The Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF) in partnership with the

Division of Justice and Community Service (DJCS) will provide technical assistance to all

applicants through a scheduled technical assistance meeting and/or conference call as

indicated on Page 1 of this document.

Technical assistance needs may also be submitted via email to:

[emailprotected]. All emailed technical assistance inquiries will be

addressed by the BBHHF and posted to a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on the

BBHHF website available at

1. Additional data resources are available at the BBHHF website. Explore ‘Links’ to all Division

Teams, including ‘Prevention’ with a sample of Substance-Specific Presentations:


2. WV Behavioral Health Profile (also accessible by clicking ‘Resources’ on DADA webpage):

Contains Statewide data pertaining to behavioral health issues:

3. WV County Profiles: Contains county-level data pertaining to behavioral health issues, uses

convenient ‘at a glance’ format:



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Appendix A

Service Definitions and Credential Requirements

Service Title Definition Education and Credential

Engagement Services Includes the evaluation

and service planning

support needed to

address the complex

needs of individuals and

their families impacted

by mental disorders,

substance use disorders

and associated

problems with specific

services that include:

Assessment, Specialized

Evaluations including

Psychological, Service

Planning including Crisis

Planning, Consumer and

Family Education and

Outreach and Advocacy

WV Medicaid Manual:

STAFF CREDENTIALS - Staff must have a minimum of a master’s degree in a field of human services or a bachelor’s degree in a field of human services with proper supervision and oversight by an individual with a minimum of a master’s degree. Staff must be properly credentialed by the agency’s internal credentialing committee.

Outpatient Out-Patient Services- is

the use of any planned,

intentional intervention

in the health, behavior,

personal and/or family

life of an individual with

mental, substance and

other disorders aimed

to achieve and maintain

sobriety, physical and

mental health with

maximum functional

ability with services that

may include:

Individualized Evidence-

WV Medicaid Manual:

STAFF CREDENTIALS - Must be performed by a minimum of a Master’s level therapist using generally accepted practice of therapies recognized by national accrediting bodies for psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and social work. Alcohol and Drug Counselors (ADCs) are considered to be credentialed to provide Behavioral Health Counseling, Individual, so long as they have a master’s degree in a clinical field, but only when directly addressing Substance Use treatment issues. To provide therapy in other treatment areas, the ADCs must be credentialed by the applicable accrediting bodies of their respective

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Based Therapies, Group

Therapy, Family

Therapy, Multi-Family

Counseling, and

Consultation with Care-


professional disciplines

STAFF CREDENTIALS – same as above

Community Support


Community Support

Services- meaningful

daily activities such as a

job, school,

volunteerism, family

caretaking or creative

endeavors that are

usually developed

through the

participation in social

networks; gaining

independence, income

and resources to

support participation in

a safe and stable

environment. Services

include: Social, daily

living and cognitive skill

building, case


continuing care,

behavior management,

supported employment,

supportive housing,

recovery housing and

therapeutic mentoring

WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health



MINIMUM STAFF CREDENTIALS – High school graduate and working toward BBHHF Community Support Specialist Certification

Recovery Residence Substance Use Recovery

Residences sometimes

referred to as

WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health


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Transitional Living,

Oxford Houses,

Recovery Homes, and

Healing Place* models

provide safe housing for

individuals, age

eighteen (18) and older

who need or are in

recovery from

substance use and/or

substance use and co-

occurring mental

disorders. These

services follow and/or

are concurrent with

short-term treatment

(typically short-term

residential) and is

intended to assist those

individuals for a period

of twelve (12) to

eighteen (18) months or

until it is determined

that an individual is able

to safely transition into

a more integrated

environment. All

applicants for funding

to operate a Level II

Recovery Residence

must provide

statements agreeing to

meet the BBHHF‘s

Substance Use Recovery

Residence Standards

that are aligned with

national standards.


STAFF CREDENTIALS – High school graduate with lived experience

Alcohol and Drug Counselors (ADCs) are considered to be credentialed to provide Behavioral Health Counseling, Individual, so long as they have a master’s degree in a clinical field, but only when directly addressing Substance Use treatment issues. To provide therapy in other treatment areas, the ADCs must be credentialed by the applicable accrediting bodies of their respective professional disciplines *

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Recovery Support


Provide opportunities

of change whereby

individuals work to

improve their own

health through social

inclusion or engaging in

supportive recovery

communities with

services that may

include: Peer Support,

Recovery Support

Coaching, Recovery

Support Center

Services, Supports for

Self Directed Care

WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health



STAFF CREDENTIALS – High school graduate with lived experience and working toward BBHHF Peer Support Specialist Certification

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Appendix B

Required Level II and III Recovery Residence Standards

The West Virginia Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BBHHF), in order to better

assure that recovering individuals have safe, recovery-oriented, habitual housing requires

adherence to the following Substance Use Recovery Residence Standards for its grantees. All

Recovery Residences must be managed in an ethical, honest, and reasonable fashion.

The process of establishing and monitoring minimum standards is an evolving one, intended to

elevate the quality of Recovery Residences. There are six major components of the standards

which broadly include (1) Organizational/Administrative, (2) Fiscal Management, (3)

Operational, (4) Recovery Support, (5) Property and (6) Good Neighbor Standards.

The following are the Level II Recovery Residence standards:

1. Organizational/Administrative Standards

1.1 The Recovery Residence is a legal business entity, as evidenced by a business license or incorporation documents;

1.2 The Recovery Residence has a written mission statement and vision statement;

1.3 The Recovery Residence has a written code of ethics;

1.4 The Recovery Residence property owners/operators carry general liability insurance;

1.5 The Recovery Residence complies with State and Federal requirements, including licensure or certification

1.6 The Recovery Residence clearly identifies the responsible person(s) in charge of the Recovery Residence to all residents;

1.7 The Recovery Residence clearly states the minimum qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the responsible person(s) in a written job description and/or contract;

1.8 The Recovery Residence provides a drug and alcohol free environment;

1.9 The Recovery Residence collects and reports accurate process and outcome data for continuous quality improvement

1.10 The Recovery Residence has written permission from the owner of record to operate a Recovery Residence on their property;

2. Fiscal Management Standards

2.1 The Recovery Residence maintains an accounting system that fully documents all resident financial transactions such as fees, payments and deposits;

3. Operation Standards

3.1 The Recovery Residence posts emergency procedures (including evacuation maps, emergency numbers) and staff emergency contact information in conspicuous locations;

4. Recovery Support Standards

4.1 The Recovery Residence maintains a staffing plan

4.2 The Recovery Residence use an applicant screening process that helps maintain a safe and supportive environment for a specific group of persons in recovery;

4.3 The Recovery Residence adheres to all applicable confidentiality laws;

4.4 The Recovery Residence keeps resident records secure, with access limited to authorized staff only;

4.5 The Recovery Residence has a posted grievance policy and procedure for residents;

4.6 The Recovery Residence creates a safe, structured, and recovery supportive environment through written

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and enforced residents’ rights and requirements;

4.7 The Recovery Residence has an orientation process that clearly communicates residents’ rights and requirements prior to them signing any agreements; collects demographic and emergency contact information and provides a new resident with written instructions on emergency procedures and staff contact information;

4.8 The Recovery Residence fosters mutual supportive and recovery-oriented relationships between residents and/or staff through peer-based interactions, events, and/or other social activities;

4.9 The Recovery Residence fosters recovery-supportive, alcohol and drug-free environments through written and enforced policies and procedures that address: residents who return to alcohol and/or drug use; hazardous item searches; drug-screening and/or toxicology protocols; and prescription and non-prescription medication usage and storage;

4.10 The Recovery Residence encourages each resident to develop and participate in their own personalized recovery plan;

4.11 The Recovery Residence informs residents of the wide range of local treatment and recovery support services available to them, including: 12-step or other mutual support groups, recovery community centers, recovery ministries, recovery-focused leisure activities and recovery advocacy opportunities;

4.12 The Recovery Residence provides nonclinical, recovery support and related services;

4.13 The Recovery Residence encourages residents to attend mutual supportive, self-help groups and/or outside professional services;

4.14 The Recovery Residence provides access to scheduled and structured peer-based services such as didactic presentations;

4.15 The Recovery Residence provides access to 3rd party clinical services in accordance with State laws;

5. Property Standards

5.1 The Recovery Residence abides by all local building and fire safety codes;

5.2 The Recovery Residence provides each resident with food and personal item storage;

5.3 The Recovery Residence places functioning fire extinguishers in plain sight and/or in clearly marked locations;

5.4 The Recovery Residence has functioning smoke detectors installed. If the residence has gas appliances, functioning carbon monoxide detectors are also installed;

5.5 The Recovery Residence provides a non-smoking living environment;

5.6 The Recovery Residence has a community room large enough to accommodate house meetings and sleeping rooms that adhere to Local and State square footage requirements;

5.7 The Recovery Residence has at least one sink, toilet, and shower per six residents or adhere to Local and State requirements;

5.8 The Recovery Residence has laundry services that are accessible to all residents;

5.9 The Recovery Residence maintains the interior and exterior or the property in a functional, safe and clean manor that is compatible with the neighborhood;

5.10 The Recovery Residence has a meeting space that accommodates all residents;

5.11 The Recovery Residence has appliances that are in working order and furniture that is in good condition;

5.12 The Recovery Residence addresses routine and emergency repairs in a timely fashion;

6. Good Neighbor Standards

6.1 The Recovery Residence provides neighbors with the responsible person(s) contact information upon request. The responsible person(s) responds to neighbor’s complaints, even if it is not possible to resolve the issue. All neighbor complaints and responsible person(s) response and actions must be documented;

6.2 The Recovery Residence has rules regarding noise, smoking, loitering, and parking that are responsive to neighbor’s reasonable complaints;

6.3 The Recovery Residence has and enforces a parking courtesy rule in areas where street parking is scarce.

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The following are the Level III Recovery Residence standards:

1. Organizational/Administrative Standards

1.1 The Recovery Residence is a legal business entity, as evidence by business license or incorporation documents;

1.2 The Recovery Residence has a written mission statement and vision statement;

1.3 The Recovery Residence has a written code of ethics;

1.4 The Recovery Residence property owners/operators carry general liability insurance;

1.5 The Recovery Residence complies with State and Federal requirements, including licensure or certification

1.6 The Recovery Residence clearly identifies the responsible person(s) in charge of the Recovery Residence to all residents;

1.7 The Recovery Residence clearly states the minimum qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the responsible person(s) in a written job description and/or contract;

1.8 The Recovery Residence provides a drug and alcohol free environment;

1.9 The Recovery Residence collects and reports accurate process and outcome data for continuous quality improvement

1.10 The Recovery Residence have written permission from the owner of record to operate a Recovery Residence on their property;

2. Fiscal Management Standards

2.1 The Recovery Residence maintains an accounting system that fully documents all resident financial transactions such as fees, payments and deposits;

3. Operation Standards

3.1 The Recovery Residence posts emergency procedures (including evacuation maps, emergency numbers) and staff emergency contact information in conspicuous locations;

4. Recovery Support Standards

4.1 The Recovery Residence maintains a staffing plan;

4.2 The Recovery Residence use an applicant screening process that helps maintain a safe and supportive environment for a specific group of persons in recovery;

4.3 The Recovery Residence adheres to applicable confidentiality laws;

4.4 The Recovery Residence keeps resident records secure with access limited to authorized staff only;

4.5 The Recovery Residence has a grievance policy and procedure for residents;

4.6 The Recovery Residence creates a safe, structured, and recovery supportive environment through written and enforced residents’ rights and requirements;

4.7 The Recovery Residence has an orientation process that clearly communicates residents’ rights and requirements prior to them signing any agreements; collects demographic and emergency contact information and provides a new resident with written instructions on emergency procedures and staff contact information;

4.8 The Recovery Residence fosters mutual supportive and recovery-oriented relationships between residents and/or staff through peer-based interactions, events, and/or other social activities;

4.9 The Recovery Residence fosters recovery-supportive, alcohol and drug-free environments through written and enforced policies and procedures that address: residents who return to alcohol and/or drug use; hazardous item searches; drug-screening and/or toxicology protocols; and prescription and non-prescription medication usage and storage;

4.10 The Recovery Residence encourages each resident to develop and participate in their own personalized recovery plan;

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4.11 The Recovery Residence informs residents on the wide range of local treatment and recovery support services available to them including: 12-step or other mutual support groups, recovery community centers, recovery ministries, recovery-focused leisure activities and recovery advocacy opportunities;

4.12 The Recovery Residence provides nonclinical, recovery support and related services;

4.13 The Recovery Residence encourages residents to attend mutual supportive, self-help groups and/or outside professional services;

4.14 The Recovery Residence provides access to scheduled and structured peer-based services such as didactic presentations;

4.15 The Recovery Residence provides access to 3rd party clinical services in accordance to State laws;

4.16 The Recovery Residence offers life skills development services;

5. Property Standards

5.1 The Recovery Residence abides by all local building and fire safety codes;

5.2 The Recovery Residence provides each resident with food and personal item storage;

5.3 The Recovery Residence places functioning fire extinguishers in plain sight and/or in clearly marked locations;

5.4 The Recovery Residence has functioning smoke detectors installed. If the residence has gas appliances, functioning carbon monoxide detectors are installed;

5.5 The Recovery Residence provides a non-smoking living environment;

5.6 The Recovery Residence has a community room large enough to accommodate house meetings and sleeping rooms that adhere to Local and State square footage requirements;

5.7 The Recovery Residence has one sink, toilet, and shower per six residents or adhere to Local and State requirements;

5.8 The Recovery Residence has laundry services that are accessible to all residents;

5.9 The Recovery Residence maintains the interior and exterior or the property in a functional, safe and clean manor that is compatible with the neighborhood;

5.10 The Recovery Residence has a meeting space that accommodates all residents;

5.11 The Recovery Residence has appliances that are in working order and furniture that is in good condition;

5.12 The Recovery Residence addresses routine and emergency repairs in a timely fashion;

6. Good Neighbor Standards

6.1 The Recovery Residence provides neighbors with the responsible person(s) contact information upon request. The responsible person(s) responds to neighbor’s complaints, even if it is not possible to resolve the issue. All neighbor complaints and responsible person(s) response and actions must be documented;

6.2 The Recovery Residence has rules regarding noise, smoking, loitering, and parking that are responsive to neighbor’s reasonable complaints;

6.3 The Recovery Residence has and enforces a parking courtesy rule where street parking is scarce.

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Appendix C


Assessment- An integrated series of procedures conducted with an individual to provide the basis for the development of an effective, comprehensive and individualized treatment plan. Behavioral Health System-The service system that offers a continuum of mental health promotion, substance abuse prevention and early intervention programs universally for the general public as well as community based treatment and recovery support services for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders. Community Corrections- An umbrella term for the supervision of criminal offenders in the community that includes probation, parole, home confinement, and day report centers but excludes institutional corrections. Community corrections is also referred to as community supervision. Community Support Services- meaningful daily activities such as a job, school, volunteerism, family caretaking or creative endeavors that are usually developed through the participation in social networks; gaining independence, income and resources to support participation in a safe and stable environment. Services include: Social, daily living and cognitive skill building, case management, continuing care, behavior management, supported employment, supportive housing, recovery housing and therapeutic mentoring. Conditions of Supervision- Stipulations with which persons placed on community supervision must comply or face possible sanctions up to and including revocation of their community supervision. General conditions, such as not engaging in criminal activity, apply to all individuals under supervision. Special conditions, such as participation in drug or mental health treatment, are added on a case-by-case basis. Correctional Control and Supervision- The monitoring and management practices exercised by corrections agencies over individuals for whom they are responsible both in an institution and the community in order to maintain order and safety and to carry out the mandates of the criminal justice system. Correctional Rehabilitation- Intervention targeting and individual’s attitudes, thinking, behavioral, or other factors relating to their criminal conduct to reduce the likelihood of reoffending. Criminogenic Needs- The characteristics or circ*mstances (such as antisocial attitudes, beliefs, thinking patterns and friends) that research has shown are associated with criminal behavioral, but which a person can change. These needs are used to predict risk of criminal 25 behavior. Because these needs are dynamic, risk of recidivism can be lowered when these needs are effectively addressed. Criminogenic Risk- The likelihood that individuals will commit a crime or violate the conditions of their supervision. Risk does not refer to the seriousness of a crime. Criminogenic Risk Factors- Characteristics, experiences and circ*mstances that are predictive of future criminal activity such as criminal history, antisocial attitudes, thinking, patterns and friends. Through risk assessments the presence of these characteristics can be used to predict the likelihood that the individual will reoffend. Diversion- Offers persons charged with criminal offenses alternatives to traditional criminal justice proceeding and it permits participation by the accused only on a voluntary basis and it

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occurs no sooner than the filing of formal charges and no later than a final adjudication of guilt and it results in a dismissal of charges or its equivalent, if the individual successfully completes the diversion process. Day Report Centers- The West Virginia Community Corrections Act (Chapter 62, Article 11C of the WV State Code) provides a means for communities to develop, establish and maintain community based corrections programs to provide the judicial system with sentencing alternatives for those adult offenders who may require less than institutional custody. Drug Courts- Intended to address addiction, and thus seek as participants offenders who are both high risk (of future offences) and high need (severity) of substance problems. Key team members include ADC Judge, Prosecutor, Probation Officer and Treatment Professionals Engagement Services- includes the evaluation and service planning support needed to address the complex needs of individuals and their families impacted by mental disorders, substance use disorders and associated problems with specific services that include: Assessment, Specialized Evaluations including Psychological, Service Planning including Crisis Planning, Consumer and Family Education and Outreach and Advocacy Evidence-Based Practices- Clinical interventions or administrative practices for which consistent scientific evidence demonstrates that, when they are implemented correctly, expected and desired outcomes are achieved. EBPs stand in contract to approaches that are based on tradition, convention, belief, or anecdotal evidence. Out-Patient Services- is the use of any planned, intentional intervention in the health, behavior, personal and/or family life of an individual with mental, substance and other disorders aimed to achieve and maintain sobriety, physical and mental health with maximum functional ability with services that may include: Individualized Evidenced-Based Therapies, Group Therapy, Family Therapy, Multi-Family Counseling, and Consultation with Care-Givers 26 Recovery Residence- Recovery Residences sometimes referred to as Transitional Living, Oxford Houses and Recovery Homes, provide safe housing for individuals, age eighteen (18) and older who are in recovery from substance use and/or substance use and co-occurring mental disorders. These services follow and/or are concurrent with short-term treatment (typically short-term residential) and is intended to assist those individuals for a period of twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months or until it is determined that an individual is able to safely transition into a more integrated environment. Recovery Support Services- provide opportunities of change whereby individuals work to

improve their own health through social inclusion or engaging in supportive recovery

communities with services that may include: Peer Support, Recovery Support Coaching,

Recovery Support Center Services, Supports for Self Directed Care

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Appendix D

Other Financial Information

Allowable Costs:

Please note that Departmental Policies are predicated on requirements and authoritative

guidance related to Federal grants management and administrative rules and regulations,

Grantees shall be required to adhere to those same requirements when administering other

DHHR grants or assistance programs, the source of which is non-Federal funds (e.g. state-

appropriated general revenue and appropriated or non-appropriated special revenue funds)

unless specifically provided direction to the contrary.

Cost Principles:

For each kind of grantee organization, there is a set of Federal cost principles for determining

allowable costs. Allowable costs are determined in accordance with the cost principles

applicable to the organization incurring the costs. The following chart lists the kinds of

organizations and the applicable cost principles. The Grantee agrees to comply with the

applicable cost principles as set forth below.

If the Grantee is a: OMB Circulars Codified at:

State, local or Indian tribal government use

the cost principles in OMB Circular A-87.

DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 92 and 45

C.F.R. § 95

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3016;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 80;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 31.

Private nonprofit organization other than an

(1) institution of higher education, (2) hospital,

or (3) organization named in OMB Circular A-

122 as not subject to that circular use the cost

principles in OMB Circular A-122.

DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 74;

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3019;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 74;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 30.

Educational Institution use the cost principles

in OMB Circular A-21.

DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 74;

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3019;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 74;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 30.

Hospital use the cost principles in Appendix E

of 45 C.F.R. § 74.

DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 74;

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3019;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 74;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 30.

For-profit organization other than a hospital DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 74;

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and an organization named in OMB Circular A-

122 as not subject to that circular use the cost

principles in 48 C.F.R. pt. 31 Contract Cost

Principles and Procedures.

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3019;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 74;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 30.

Grantee Uniform Administrative Regulations:

For each kind of grantee organization, there is a set of Federal uniform administrative

regulations. The following chart lists the kinds of organizations and the applicable uniform

administrative regulations for each listed type of grantee.

If the Grantee is a: OMB Circulars Codified at:

State, local or Indian tribal government use

the uniform administrative requirements in

OMB Circular A-102.

Department of Health and Human Services

(DHS) codified at 45 C.F.R. § 92 and 45 C.F.R. §


Department of Agriculture (USDA) codified at

7 C.F.R. § 3016;

Department of Education (EDUC) codified at

34 C.F.R. § 80;

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

codified at 40 C.F.R. § 31.

Private nonprofit organization, institutions of

higher education, or a hospital use the

uniform administrative requirements in OMB

Circular A-110.

DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 74;

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3019;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 74;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 30.

For-profit organization use the uniform

administrative requirements in OMB Circular


DHS codified at 45 C.F.R. § 74

USDA codified at 7 C.F.R. § 3019;

EDUC codified at 34 C.F.R. § 74;

EPA codified at 40 C.F.R. § 30.

Announcement of Funding AFAs/AFA-01B-2014-JRI Treatment... · Announcement of Funding Availability ... Treatment Supervision Implementation - [PDF Document] (2024)
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