Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1963, p. 6 (2024)

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1963, p. 6 (1)

Square Dance Club Elect Executive Following the luncheon Mics will he Nominnunns Eeaux Ind Bollu Square Dance Club will hold lhe final dance of the season tomorrow evenan 31 he RCAF Associa tion club room leh Street ML and Mrs Howard Moore Ire shown followan their cent man133a In St James United Church Slroud Thu MARRIED AT STROUD leh Street danclng but prnvlded by he served at an executive Youro sure hndnllu Dad will Ilka In our wldu mlocllonChooru lancy or slvlpod pallemslnannrr sovlmcnl to suit my balm 1mm inr Ihe club resulted in tha iol inwinz slain oi oiiicers Presl dznu Mr and Mrs Golden Pea co*ck Vice Presidents Mr and Mrs Albert Grose SocrLlnrlu Mn Ind Mrs Harvie Weber Treasurers Mr and Mn iln uni Fairwcnlher Social Conven 211 Mr and Mrs George Brad ley Special Events MI and Mn Dill Judge and Mn Ind Mrs Earl Carroll The Cluh will resume activities In Sepicmber bride Ihe armor Shirley Juncm daughter of Mn and Mrhank Jones The mom In the Ion of James Moore Pholn by Faber Cornell so numw am am Old Spice ls sum to plnnao Allurshavn lollon hair crnam mo lust we 01 Hm Moms lo Chom*o from The cnnpla were presented with silver money gully decanted with tiny pink haw thh held the nllver dollars Around lhe base at the hue wns an Arrangement or hrldnl wreath bleeding hurt and pink Engflah dalsles Guests at the home Mr And Mrs Judson Kelly Marion Crescent were Mr and Mn Tim Hamilton Port Credit FIESTA PARTY Mn John Gall of Toronln was weekend guest at lhe hnma at her mm Mu Funk Caulk 1111 on Anton Mull windup flesh umy was held for members ha Banla Jayceue andvguesh ma Valley ylew Acres Letitia surprise annlversary party was held In honnr of Maglsmle and Mrs Gnrdun Foster on tha nccarlon of Mir filh wedd lng anniversary Friends and relatlvcr gathered In home of the celebrann nn Drury Lane on Frlday avenlnl to mark Iho occasion SILVER TREE mumn an an mm n4 The bride is lhe iormer Marlon Gibbons Mrs Dori Grant Mollie ineii daughter vi Stan Rum Mr Ind Mrs R1 Mr and Mrs Frank Powell Ma Paweil Mr Illd Mrl John pie Ave The bridegroom ll ihe sink Mrl and Mrs Rny Si son Frnnk Foster lormcriy oi Mr Ind Mrs Harry Young Barr Ind halal Mrr Foslori land Mrs William Crnaiu Nam In mum in own an uneul Mich III or the ally and dlmlct Weddlu Ill nlvuurlu Mnham hrldu pullel comlnl nlIu pm tlcl vllllm and Invellm 1mm of Intent to women nldm of thin nun Your help In lupplym um newl will bi man Appro tilled Plane phone Tha Ennln Enmlnu in mm Ind uk or Eileen Dlxonm Auflru Cuuhnn It be Wam cnl Deplrtmenl Barrie Couple Are Honored At Surprise Anniversary Party SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES MWWWWW WATKERE Bulls for Dads all slznsl Elmlc or leather In Ilanow nrmudlum wldlhsln nssor led colon and slyle Ken Fmer was convener ollhe evenL Alrpinximulely as palIon aflende TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Melville Bite oi King Street North Stayner enter tained It trousselu ten Sat urday alternoan and evening in honor oi her daughter Mir June Batu brideelect oi Saturday The bridegroom eiectl mother hire Ernest Ev erton assisted the haulers and the brideelecti receiving guuui Pink and white sireamcu and floral centrepiece oi pink and white roses adorned the ten Iabior Pourinz tea in the after noon were the brides aunt hire Wesley Bait Illd Mrs Bert Schinht cousin oi the bride iel Jr other guesu lnclud Mr and Mrs William Kennedy Mr and Mrs Frank Powell Mldland Mr and Mrs Roland Dobxonl 51 Mr and Mrs Hodges attendant lb weddlnu 25 year am Mr and Mrs Fred Anderlon Mr and MrL Robert Glbbonn Mrs Dorll Grant Mrl Stan Ruth Mr Ind Mrs Robert Pawell Mr Illd Mrl John Bary sluk ML and Mrs Rny Smllh Ham Yqunz Mr Hulldaylnn the Delawann Inn ak Honey Harbour for few days Ire Mr and Mra W11 liam Merrick Amelia SI Mrl Jueph McCarlhy of Bay lIeld 52 has Ines her musln Min Madeline Mania Toronto lha couple were mnrrled Trlnlty Anzllaan Church Barrie on June ma Archdeacon Moullon olflclated Present for lho accnslon were the celebranu sonsIMuw and dnuxhten Mr Ind Mu Thomu Bookey and dauxhler Suun Ind My Ind Mrs Rollnd Dohmn AMONG GUESTS horn 150 Youll find gifts fit for klngat Walkers and the royal treasury will love the lay prices mlalunu Included Miss Shlrloy Ham and Mrs Wllllnm Bales Mn Jae Curran Ind Mrl Frtd Garland asslstcd In llle roul suu mama In the evenlnu lha hrldeu Iunta Mrs Norman Brown and Mrs wllllam WlI llama pruldad It the le ubla M135 KMhryn Wood Mlsl LIMA mlhnm and Mlu Ann 3qu warn lea asslrlanls Thu brIdeI IL ter Mrs Donal Glflen Mrlr Howard Mnchnm and Mn Jan Curran sister or the brld 2mm elect minted the Iron Isean rooms Min Burl dau lhlar Mr and Mn Melville Baler will wed Wlllurd Evemn sun cl Mr and Ernest Evermn BunIa ln Zion Prel hyterlan Church Sunnldnll Car nrrl at Ill alternoon ceremony June lli uggprrAL OPENING Memben ol the haxplm lux mary will host an afternoon In marking the ofllclul main ha new wing of he Royal lorh Hosylul an Snlurdly The ten will he held In the new Llld Iaw ruldenoe ram 130 to ma oclock Convener are Mtge Bruce Murray Ind Mn Harvey Chlrene Guided toun at the new wlng will In con ducled by member of the nun lng stall at the hoapltnl The lnvlmlon II open to the public BEIDAL SHOWERS Min June Batu RegN Juno brideelect llu bun 110n orad guest II uvcral numb ments prior to her martian to wmml Eveflon this Salurdly miscellaneous shower wa mmwm lo v50 88 pr Happy Fool cushiowsolo sockctorlolsznmlngcom tonSlzc51 012 Save up to 6201le and nylon slgolchy soc All Ills quality by well nown mnkorsjr nm $1 pr held nltha horpg the bride mmele mm Mn Joe Cirron of Baylleld Street Guam were Mauve the bri dal mule Mn Donald Morri Ion enlemlnud her Blyfleld 51ml midlan and gums thll mllcellmmu shower were wives and girl menus or 5mllhl Dairy Blll Club The Royll Vlunrla Hoaplul Numl Reddancu Sunm noun wan the lung or mimlllnooun Ihowar manned FABRICS FABRICS FABRICS FABRICS FABRICS FABRICS FEES FABRICS FABRIC FABRICS mimcs HATS Casual slacks with ma con llnonlnl cul Snnlorlmd ol Tuxmade prlnlod chucked shaon canon Assollod colors 1°53on 498 pr Dress shirt of alrcool no uallly Tuxmade labrc may but comlonnblo wnh tusod call for non appear ance White In slzos 14 101695 0R Spvclal savings $1 on Bulky an Iastnx swim hunks with hoachboy lea Ilyllnfz Choose am an nssov man colon and tnbncs no Rog 490 SALE JUNE 13 T0 JUNE 22 16 COLLIER ST IOOK FOR SPECIAL SAVINGS UP TO 50 ON RED TAG ITEMS LOIS ROBERTSON Wldnndfll In NM TIMy Ill IM ITOIIF HOURRI no pm Only 1mm 25 OFF ugullr prlu up $1500 by Ml Glenna Wllkom and Mia Noreen Clldwell Guests were mlden nurse and elm males of lho brideelect and namlula employee the dull drenl wlrd at the hospital Showerl of Happineu cake decorated In Kink and whlte la in centred tea Iahle 398 HARM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUN community Ihuwer win held Sunnldale Cage Township Jnmalcn shorlsof Sanlovlzocr printed 5hconContlnonlalwnlsl with ndiuslnblo sldo tubs As lmlcd colors and patterns In aims 3010 40 52 0Q polo shirt always welcome gm Choose from sclecllon short sleeved colton knits In 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Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1963, p. 6 (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.