How to Record Skyrim with OBS Smoothly and Easily (2024)

Skyrim has been one of the most popular video games as it allows users to create a roleplay of becoming a hero defeating a dragon. Known for its exciting storylines and eye-catching scenes, a lot of users are probably wondering about recording their Skyrim videos in high quality so they can have them uploaded on different social media sites. If you have been puzzled about this, learning how to record Skyrim with OBS or via other tools would be helpful. In this article, we’ll be delving in particular to this topic. So, if you are interested and would like to know more, start by jumping into the first section of this post.

Contents: Part 1. Why Won't OBS Record Skyrim?Part 2. How to Record Skyrim with OBS?Part 3. Best Alternative to Record Skyrim When OBS Not WorkingFAQs about Skyrim Gameplay

Part 1. Why Won't OBS Record Skyrim?

When it comes to screen recording, perhaps, you have already read or heard about OBS Studio multiple times. Knowing that it’s one of the most famous recorders out there is a given. But, although our main discussion would be about how to record Skyrim with OBS, it would also be helpful to learn why at times, it just won’t record Skyrim as expected. Here are a few reasons.

  • There could be insufficient permissions granted to OBS.
  • The app needs to be updated to the latest version.
  • Another app is possibly interfering with OBS’ functionality.
  • There could be issues with Skyrim itself.

How to Record Skyrim with OBS Smoothly and Easily (1)

Part 2. How to Record Skyrim with OBS?

So, how to record Skyrim with OBS? Is this an easy task anyone can perform?

Being a free and open-source program, many have been using OBS Studio when recording their screen activities. It can capture audio if needed and even has a built-in editor. By default, all recordings from OBS Studio will be saved as AVI files.

Though good enough, some users are still saying this has a complex interface which makes it not suitable for novices or beginners. But just in case you still want to try, here’s how to use it when recording.

  1. Launch both OBS and Skyrim on your PC. On OBS, search for the “Scenes” and “Sources” menus. Create a new scene by tapping the “+” icon. Press the same icon under “Sources” to be able to add “Game Capture”.
  2. Adjust the recording area as per your preference. If not changed, automatically, OBS will capture a full screen.
  3. The recording will start once the “Start Recording” menu is pressed. To end, just tap the “Stop Recording” option. If you’d like to see the output files right away, click “File” and then hit “Show Recordings” next.

How to Record Skyrim with OBS Smoothly and Easily (2)

Part 3. Best Alternative to Record Skyrim When OBS Not Working

OBS Studio is a good option when screen recording. Thus, we can say it would be helpful for one to know how to record Skyrim with OBS. But what if, unexpectedly, it stops working or issues are encountered while it’s in use? Being aware of the causes of the problem is good but one should also be familiar with the workarounds to fix the dilemma. Given that OBS is free and open-source, some issues could be experienced as well as limitations. In such an instance, one’s assurance would be having enough information about the best alternative to use when OBS isn’t functioning well. We recommend using this tool, the iMyMac Screen Recorder. What makes this one the best?

This professional software can aid in high-definition screen and lag-free webcam recording while giving the user the flexibility to decide on the type of audio to capture. Functions to edit for video enhancement as well as menus for real-time annotation are readily available. Taking screenshots or launching the webcam whenever needed can easily be done as well. In case one would need to pause or restart the recording process, that would also be so simple.

Upon sharing with you how to record Skyrim with OBS from the previous section, we are now about to discuss the step-by-step process of recording through the abovementioned professional recorder.

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  1. Download and install this recorder on your PC. Head to the main interface once launched and look for “Video Recorder”.
  2. Choose whether to capture only the screen or record the camera as well at the same time. If the latter is chosen, the webcam should automatically open. In case not, click “Recheck”. Proceed to choose the recording area to use.
  3. Modify the audio settings and specify whether to record only the microphone, or system sound, or both.
  4. The recording will start once the “Start Recording” menu is pressed. It can be ended when the red “stop” button is clicked.

How to Record Skyrim with OBS Smoothly and Easily (3)

Available menus mentioned initially can be utilized. Once the recording is finished, the output files should be saved on your computer.

FAQs about Skyrim Gameplay

This section will now be sharing some FAQs relative to Skyrim Gameplay. Upon discussing how to record Skyrim with OBS and via the best alternative when OBS isn’t working, it would also be good to answer some of your queries in mind when it comes to Skyrim Gameplay.

  1. Can you use Skyrim for free on PC?

Before, downloading Skyrim from torrent sites was possible. However, now, it’s recommended to buy it on Steam due to viruses when installed from torrent sites.

  1. Is Skyrim free on Xbox One?

You can get Skyrim Special Edition without an added fee. But if you are eyeing getting the Anniversary Edition, you then need to pay.

  1. Can beginners enjoy playing Skyrim?

Skyrim is one of the easiest games to play. This even has an option that lets the user adjust the difficulty settings if desired. With the simple interface it has, beginners and professionals should not have issues while playing this.

  1. Is it illegal to use Skyrim mods?

No! Downloading Skyrim mods can even be done easily. You can also see lots of mods on the Special Edition.

How to Record Skyrim with OBS Smoothly and Easily (2024)
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