The Orc King - Chapter 1 - Happ_yy (2025)

Chapter Text

The Orc King - Chapter 1 - Happ_yy (1)

Princess Astera stood naked and shivering in the centre of the palace gardens. Moonlight danced across the cobblestone path, just enough that she was able to make out the bobbing shapes of the leafy plants around her. The lack of light didn't seem to bother the two orc women who worked around her. They painted her body in strange symbols with a reddish stain. She fidgeted anxiously when a brush twirled around one of her breasts.

"Be still!" One of the orc women ordered her.

"Don't be so harsh," the other orc woman chided. "She is simply nervous. Do not worry, we will make you beautiful for King Volen."

Astera felt a shiver rippled down her spine at the mention of her soon-to-be husband. The orc king. She had imagined her wedding a hundred different ways. Always a political alliance. It was to be expected, as the daughter-heir of the Sarai Empire. But marrying the orc king...

"How long will the ceremony be?" She asked. Anything to distract herself from facing the inevitable.

The two orc women exchanged glances. "Not as long as it should be. There will be no Ishten, no bridal scrimmage. Just the exchanging of vows."

She didn't dare ask what a bridal scrimmage was. She already regretted asking about the paint. A map of all the places your mate must mark you. The orcs were a brutal, secretive people. She knew very little what to expect from the ceremony. Her father had conceded to most of the orc's demands regarding the wedding. Including allowing the orc women to prepare and dress her for the ceremony; however they saw fit.

Once the paint was applied, the orc women dressed her in a gown of spider-silk. The gown was so thin it was opaque against her skin, and pooled at her feet so that it would trail behind her when she walked. A veil was fixed over her face. Her cheeks flamed looking down at herself. For the orc king's fealty, and his army, her father would give her away like a prized animal.

The three women began making their way from the gardens to the Fields of Remembering, where the ceremony was to take place. Behind them loomed the imperial palace, at the top of the craggy cliffs of the island.

As they made their way from the gardens down to the fields, she could see large stretches of the island laid out before her. The Fields of Remembering were swaths of grassy plains that surrounded the imperial grounds. The twinkling lights of the city of Thelfare were just visible on the horizon. Her eyes were drawn to the hundreds of tents covering the fields. Each flew the reddish banner of the orc king, Soarruk Volen.

The cobblestone path to the Fields of Remembering was lined by stone pillars supporting an arched lattice roof. Vines and grapes grew in the ceiling and dangled down around them. Astera had grown up attempting to climb these pillars, trying to steal grapes to annoy the servants. Some of the pillars were crumbling with age, others from blackened pockmarks left by cannon fire.

There was a time when she had thought her father would lose the war against the Demon King. Ten years of bloodshed. The brutality had made it all the way to the gardens of the imperial household before they were able to put a stop to it. She knew her father's decision to ally with the orcs had not come lightly.

Marrying her off to an orc had not been an easy solution. The orcs had lived freely in the forests and mountains of Sarai since the beginning of her family's rule. They worshipped their own gods and king. Generations of rulers had been unable to bring the orcs under the imperial heel. Until the Demon King brought the war to their doorstep, and the orcs could no longer simply ignore the human's war.

The orcs had strength, speed and the ability to resist most magic. They agreed to join the Sarai Empire on one condition: When the orcs won the war, their king Soarruk Volen would claim her, the emperor's eldest daughter as his bride.

She considered the war, and other things as she was led through the flaps of the tent where she was to be married. She thought of the things her people had to endure: a decade of rationing, years of starvation and fear. She thought of rivers of blood and lakes of burning bodies left by the Demon King.

She tried to remember the sacrifices made by her people. It was a constant weight on her shoulders. As she walked through the entrance and knelt onto the plush pillow, she considered how small her sacrifice would be compared to theirs. It didn't stop her hands from shaking.

She had heard stories of what happened when orcs and humans crossed paths. The only reason they had not been at war during her lifetime was because humans were too busy fighting the Demon King. The forests and mountains of Sarai belonged to the orcs. Whenever the humans encroached upon orc territories it led to conflicts. Which was often. Astera's hands tightened into fists at the thought. The orcs wouldn't even let starving families forage for wild berries in their forests.

Her soon-to-be husband had gained his reputation murdering his way to his throne. The previous orc king had stolen many human women as his consorts during his lifetime. None of them survived the coupling.

Everyone expected the same, or worse for her. She had heard people discuss her impending marriage like it was her death sentence. If she survives, she'll be bred like an animal. The thought made bile rise in her throat.

Around the room everyone was already seated. Her father sat on his solid carved-stone throne at the front of the tent. To his left side, her mother sat on a square cushion. The Emperor of Sarai and the First Imperial High Consort. The tent was otherwise full of everyone Astera knew and loved: all seven of her sisters, her little baby brother, her family elders, and her friends.

As she looked around the room, some people offered her reassuring smiles. Others looked away. She could see veiled looks of disgust and fear across the room. Her closest sisters shared her terror-stricken expression.

The ceremony began with airy string music. Her throat tightened with fear. Still, she remained seated, rooted to the pillow. The tent flaps pulled open. Behind her veil she squinted into the darkness. There he was. Her future husband.

Astera sucked in a deep breath as she took him in. He was more beast than man. Unlike the gentle orc women, orc men were massive. Soarruk Volen was tall and broad of shoulder. Her hands clenched tightly in her lap. It wasn't just the orc men's greenish hued skin and tusks that set them apart from human men. He had four arms.

Even under his military robes she could see he was all muscle. His hands, all four of them, rested in fists at his size. He exuded an aura of authority unlike anyone else she had ever met. Astera had spent the past week or so reading of his accounts on the battlefield. It was terrifying, placing the face to the name she had been studying.

His black hair was a wavy mess around his face, only partially tamed by the imposing crown on his brow. It was made of gold, with two large twisting horns protruding from the top. They were laced with glittering gems.

Astera felt her vision waver. He was wearing formal military robes of sorts made of dark blood-coloured material. The breasts of the robes were brightly decorated in ribbons and symbols Astera could not understand. At his hip was a wickedly sharp black battle axe. The blade was easily the size of her head.

That was what she would face if she tried to escape and failed. The famed weapon that had been used to chop up the body of the Demon King, ending the ten-year war. A war hero infamous for his brutality.

He crossed the room in a few short steps. Up close she could see how impressively sharp his fangs were. They jutted out on either side of his mouth. His lips were pulled into a scowl. He came to kneel on the pillows in front of her. He was a head span taller than her even sitting, so that she had to crane her neck up to look at him.

The human part of the ceremony began with the Priestess of Light's blessing. The priestess stepped out of the shadows of the room, beginning her chant in a sing song voice. When she approached the couple with the binding ribbon her voice faltered slightly. Her eyes darted over the orc, clearly afraid to touch him.

"We must bind your hands." The priestess sounded almost apologetic.

He reached for Astera's hands. Her fingers disappeared under his grip. The priestess deftly tied their hands together using the ribbon. Soarruk Volen's touch burned.

The Priestess of Light lifted Astera's veil. Her future husband stared down at her with an unreadable expression. His eyes had no whites, they were purely black without any colour. His eyes narrowed on her cheeks, and she thought she could see his glare darken. Resignation rose within her, enough to return his withering glare.

The priestess finished her blessing, and announced the ceremony concluded. Astera squeezed her eyes closed to prepare for the sealing kiss. Her body trembled all over. But it never came. The orc king used his second set of clawed hands to slice through the ribbon binding them. He stood, hands pulling Astera to her feet as well.

An orc woman appeared before them. She held up a long flat box, bowing before the orc king. She opened the lid. Inside was a golden crown with shorter horns to match the orc kings. Carefully, the orc woman lifted the crown from the box and placed it on Astera's brow.

"It is done then?" Soarruk Volen's voice was rough, slowly enunciating each word so that his meaning was clear even through his heavy accent. He was staring at her father.

The Emperor of Sarai gave the orc a brisk nod. He didn't look at Astera at all. "It is done."

The orc king began leading Astera out of the tent. A delayed applause followed after them.

Under regular circumstances, there would be feasts and celebrations following the marriage ceremony. Astera knew better than to expect anything of the sort. She had once daydreamed of a great ball or festival for her wedding night. The end of the war had come swiftly though, and there was no time or leftover gold to plan a grand celebration. She had at least hoped for a hot meal and some silver-leaf wine to dampen her nerves.

She stumbled and then nearly fell when she took in the field. The orc king barely paused for her to catch up. Seeing the hundreds of orc war tents over the Field of Remembering up-close was enough to make her already frayed nerves unsteady. An entire war party at the base of her home.

"Must I drag you?" The orc king didn't speak as slowly to her as he had her father.

Astera flinched at his words. The first thing her husband had said directly to her, and it was a threat. His eyes narrowed impatiently when Astera didn't answer right away.

"Where- where are you taking me?" she asked.

The muscles in his jaw jumped. He stared out across the field. For a moment she thought he might just continue walking without her. But he pointed one clawed finger out to the largest yellow tent in the centre. "To complete the ceremony."

Her heartbeat thundered in her ears as she realized his meaning. He meant to take her back to his tent and consummate their marriage- to take her whether she wanted it or not. She shook her head rapidly. "But there's still feasts, and dancing-" Her voice died in her throat seeing the wicked grin spread across his face.

"Do not worry princess, we won't be staying long. My home calls to me." He reached out and took her hand, pulling her along before she could protest. She wanted to dig her heels into the mud and argue further, but her eyes caught on the gleaming battleaxe at his hip. She would have to pick her battles. Once she was among his people, she would find a way to escape.

The orcs they passed stopped their duties and inclined their head to the king as he passed. None of them acknowledged their new queen as she was dragged behind him. Choruses of "Nhyem" followed them. Astera guessed it was the honorific they used for their ruler, or perhaps a greeting.

The orc king kept looking straight ahead as he walked. The tents and the orcs occupying them had made a muddy mess of the field. Astera stumbled several times when her slippers sucked into the deep mud. The orc king didn't so much as pause for her. One of her slippers came off. She turned to retrieve it, but the orc king hissed and pulled her along faster. By the time they reached the largest tent she had lost both her slippers, and her dress was covered in mud.

The orc king opened the tent flap and pulled Astera inside. The space was dimly lit. Three fat candles burned low in the corner of the room. The first thing she noticed was the large table in the centre of the room. It was strewn with maps and documents in the strange fae language of the orcs. The tent was surprisingly cool and smelled of grassy earth. The rest of the room was dominated by the bed.

The orc king's bed was surrounded by thin drapes. In the flickering candlelight she could see the bed was piled high with furs and blankets. Her hands flexed uneasily at her sides seeing it. Her mother and her grandmother had cornered her less than a week ago, explaining her future responsibilities to her husband in much more details than she had ever heard before.

She wasn't stupid- she knew exactly what sex was. But once the emperor's precious daughters reached the age of twelve, they were kept secluded in the palace, away from prying eyes. She had been twelve at the start of the war. Ten years hidden away within the palace walls. She had been taught that sex was simply for breeding. Or at least that's what she had naively assumed.

The orc woman's words of instruction in the garden came back to her. The mating partners begin by undressing each other.

Her eyes widened as she watched the orc king. He took off the leather strap holding his battle axe to his hips and hung it on a dresser.

"I wish for a hot meal, and a drink before we begin." Astera was even surprised how strong her voice sounded. "I want to celebrate-"

The orc king chuckled, as if even he could hear the lie in her words. He turned to face her, taking a step forward. "If we are to be married, the rituals of my people must be complete. Then you may celebrate, if that is what you wish."

Astera shrank backwards. She didn't have a response to that. He was so much larger than her. His eyes roamed over her freely. She fought the urge to cover herself, to cross her arms over her breasts. Even in the low candlelight her dress left nothing to the imagination.

She would not cower yet. She trembled as he stepped closer. One of his arms came up to cage her against the wall of the tent. She squeezed her eyes closed, knowing there was no way to stop what was coming.

She had been kidding herself, thinking she could convince him to delay the inevitable. She had forgotten, in all the preparations for the wedding ritual, that she was no more than a war prize to the orc before her. She had no choice in when or how she might be taken.

He grasped one of her hands in his own, leading it to fastenings on the side of his robe. Using her hands, he pulled the fastening free, and the robe fell freely to the ground. Underneath he wore a linen shirt. The orc used her hands once more to slowly pull the leather strings at the top loose. Once his linen shirt was loosened, he pulled it off overtop his head.

Underneath, the orc was all hard planes of muscle. Scars covered his body, bright white or a darker green sheen depending on their age. He had a clean, masculine scent. The orc king placed one of Astera's hands against his chest. He was hot to the touch. His impressive body was a honed weapon.

She stared at him with open awe, nearly forgetting exactly what was happening. He was ruggedly handsome, but it was difficult to wrap her head around his different anatomy. With one of his other hands, he led her hand to the leather belt at his waist.

That brought her back to reality. She tried to rip her hand away, but the orcs grip only tightened until he was crushing her hand in his. She yelped in pain. Tears stung her eyes. She squirmed in his grip.

"Please! Please let me go," she begged.

His eyes narrowed. "You partook in your peoples sacred marriage vows. They are sacred, yes?" He was still squeezing her hand. The throbbing pain was beginning to extend to her wrist.

She nodded, biting her lip to keep from screaming out. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of her pain. "Yes, I swear it! Please, you'll break my hand!" She wheezed.

His grip loosened slightly. Just enough so that he was able to pull the leather fastening free. His trousers dropped to the ground. Astera pulled her hand back, gingerly gripping it and testing the bones were not broken.

He used a claw to life her chin, distracting her from the throbbing in her hand. "I traded a thousand orc lives for your hand in marriage."

A thousand men was all he had lost in the war. Traded for her. It paled in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers her father had lost. Soarruk Volen led the deadliest army on the continent, likely the in the entire world. And now she would be his for the rest of her life.

He took a step toward her, until their bodies were touching. She could feel the heat radiate from him.

"You will be the finest queen in our history." The orc king gripped her waist, and then in one fluid movement, tore the back of her dress from nape down to her thighs. It fell to her feet in ribbons of white silk.

She cowered, but it made no difference. He dragged her to the bed and pulled the drape aside. When it was clear Astera could not climb in with her hand hurt, he gripped her by the waist and threw her onto the bed.

She lay there momentarily stunned in the pile of warm furs. It felt luxurious compared to the thin feather mattress she slept in since she was a child. She quickly covered herself in the blankets. The women who had helped dress her had given her no undergarments.

The orc king climbed into the bed beside her. She looked away quickly when she saw his naked form. He was hard everywhere, thick and strong and imposing. He dragged her body underneath his own. She tried to pull away, but one set of hands gripped her waist and held her in place. The other set explored her body freely.

Astera's face flamed with humiliation. She could feel her body responding to his touch, her nipples hardening. Something stirred deep within her, an ache in her core. She tried to look away, but the orc gripped her chin between his clawed fingers. His breath fanned her face, musky and hot. Up close she noticed he also wore the reddish paint across his face and neck.

His voice was much quieter when he spoke, gravelly and soft, "now that your peoples marriage vows are complete, we will finish mine."

She vaguely remembered the orc woman's words. A map of the places he must mark you. Goosebumps pebbled her naked flesh in anticipation.

He was hovering over her, knees on either side of her body. She could feel something hot and hard press between her legs, but she didn't dare look down.

She watched, horrified, as he leaned into her hair. He took a deep, agonisingly slow breath, scenting her. He moved slowly from her hair down her face. She felt the gentle brush of his nose against the crook of her neck. She could feel his breath ghost against her skin. And then she felt the hot press of his tongue against her collar bone. He nipped her neck softly. She began to squirm, trying to stop the strange feeling his movements elicited within her. Her stomach churned with an emotion she didn't recognise. It felt like her skin was on fire.

"Please," she gritted out. He still held her face in his hand. She wriggled uncomfortably. "We don't have to do this so soon." Her voice was a pathetic whimper, even to her.

He chuckled softly, continuing to trail sloppy kisses from the base of her neck up to her jawline. And then across the planes of her cheekbones, and over the bridge of her nose. And then it clicked. He was licking exactly where the orc women had covered her body in paint.

Her heart began to thunder in her chest, and she struggled in earnest. That only earned a groan from the man on top of her, low and guttural. He pressed his body against her, pushing her further into the furs beneath them. She could feel his hardened length, his cock, jump between her thighs. She went very still at the realization. He was enjoying her struggle.

His tongue was much larger than her own. Against her skin it felt too warm. He continued to taste her, his tongue leaving a trail of fire everywhere he touched. He moved lower to where the orc women had smeared the stain across her chest. Astera gritted her teeth against the feeling. Desperately she tried to think of a way out of the situation. But nothing came to her. Her mind was blank- hyper focused on the orc's movements above her.

When his tongue moved over her left breast Astera let out a yelp of surprise. His teeth, which had seemed terrifyingly sharp only moments ago, nipped softly at the delicate flesh. And then he began to suck.

She hadn't expected the deep throbbing of pleasure that coursed through her. Her back came up off the mattress, pressing into the orcs mouth further. Her entire body clenched at the sudden rush of desire.

Her body was betraying her. Giving into the beast's ministrations. She had to grit her teeth to keep from moaning. His flat wide tongue was suddenly thin enough to lavish around her nipple, sucking and tugging at the flesh until it pebbled and ached.

A flush of heat ran through her body. He moved onto her right breast. He sucked hard at her skin until began to hurt. She wiggled beneath him, twisting her shoulders to try and move his mouth closer to her nipple. She was barely aware of her own movements. Her breaths came in ragged gasps. After a moment longer sucking at her skin, he finally gave in to her bodily movements, lapping his flat wide tongue over the bud of her nipple.

The relief, and the rush of pleasure straight to her core was instant. Astera moaned. She hadn't realized what she had done until she opened her eyes to find out why the orc was no longer sucking on her skin. He was staring at her, eyebrows raised, and mouth pulled into a small smirk.

"I thought the princess believed she was too good for an orc tongue."

Astera felt her cheeks flame with embarrassment at his words. She tried to sit up, but the orcs hands pushed her back down easily.

"I didn't ask for this," Astera said. Not all marriages started out like this. We should have spent time getting to know each other. She knew it was stupid- he was an orc, and a king, and he didn't care about her. He never would. Her only value was in her title, as daughter-heir to the throne, and in her body. But she couldn't stop the words from coming out. Her voice was trembling. "We should have become acquainted first. I don't want to be forced like this on my wedding night!"

The orc let out a throaty laugh. He sat up, his huge body taking up her entire view. He reached down and stroked his cock. Astera watched with wide eyes as it jumped at his movements. She could feel a similar pulse within her at the sight. When she looked up, he was staring at her, the muscles in his jaw flexing.

"This is force?" He reached down and cupped a hand at her at her centre. She flinched at the contact, but it was feathery light and gone in an instant. He held up a hand to the candlelight, and it gleamed. His fingers were soaking wet. "As mates, it is our duty to please each other," he ground out. "And once you taste my cock, you'll beg for it."

She felt herself pale at his words. Taste him. Did he mean? The thought of licking that... his cock looked girthy in his own hands. Compared to her thigh... fear coursed through her. He would tear her in half!

"No I wont-"

She tried to pull away, but he reached for her foot. He yanked her forward and she slid down towards him on her back, her arms falling to her sides. He yanked her leg up to his face to inspect. She froze at the sudden change in movements. Most of the dirt had rubbed off her legs in the furs. She watched in horror as his tongue darted out, licking the reddish stain off her ankle.

The orc king held eye contact with her, moving his tongue at an excruciating slow pace. She felt every flicker of his tongue straight to her core. She tried to pull away again, but his claws were sharp against her skin. Her body was tense with anticipation, coiling tighter, jumping eagerly at the orc's every movement. She hated how she didn't want him to stop.

Anger and indignation rose up within her. Why did his ministrations have to feel so good? Her emotions were warring inside her, wanting to give in to the pleasure but also fight against it. And it was useless to fight. He would have her one way or another. But she didn't have to pretend to like him.

"I hate you," she said. He gave her a vicious smile in response. He could clearly see the effects he was having on her.

The coiling heat was making her mind foggy. A thrill went up her spine watching the orc king lick his way up her body. It was mesmerising and a little terrifying to see his four hands working in tandem, stroking and kneading her flesh. He held her pinned in place while he licked and sucked at her skin.

He moved to find her other foot in the furs. He started the process over again, licking off the stain from her ankle to her knee. Her body was beginning to shake.

He spread her legs, shaking his head when she tried to pull her thighs closed and hide herself from him. Stress had weighed heavily on her since her father had begun negotiating her wedding. Exhaustion was beginning to creep into her muscles. She had spent the last few days sleepless, tense and afraid. She was too weak to fight him off. She was beginning to accept he would have his way with her tonight.

His gaze hooded as he spread her thighs wide and took in her centre. His claws bit into her thighs as his grip tightened. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Astera froze for a moment, watching the predatory stillness overtake him. Her heart began to race. Fear replaced the haziness in her mind. He could kill her so easily-

"I do not take the rituals lightly princess." His eyes were still closed, nostrils flaring. "But I am going to make an exception. Before you remove my ritual marks, I must have a taste of you."

Astera opened her mouth to ask what he exactly meant by taste her, when he already had been licking her body this entire time. But it wasn't necessary, because the orc dove between her thighs to answer the question before she could ask.

The orc dragged his tongue from her clit, through her folds and plunged straight into her cunt. Astera's strangled yelp of surprise turned into a high-pitched moan. She writhed against the orc. She wasn't sure if she was trying to push into his movements or pull away.

His lower set of arms gripped her thighs, while his upper set moved up her stomach to her breasts. Squeezing and pinching, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. The extra stimulation made her clench around his tongue.

Astera's eyes shot wide open, her body pressing into the movements. She tried to squeeze her thighs shut, to stop the fiery pleasure from overtaking her, but it was useless against the orc's iron grip. She grabbed his forearms instead. She squeezed his rippling muscles, clinging to him as he twisted and kneaded pleasure from her.

Nothing compared to his tongue. It felt invasive, somehow too big but also not enough, as it flicked over her clit. His lips closed over her, and he began to suck. Astera saw stars behind her eyes. She was moaning, pleading, keening in high pitched whines. The orc chuckled against her, his mouth vibrating with the force of it. Humiliating her further. The vibrations only made her body react stronger.

When he pushed his tongue into her pussy it was overwhelming. Too powerful. He lapped at her folds, moving up to suck on her clit until she was screaming again, and then back to her pussy. She had never realized how sensitive she could be.

When he removed one hand from her thighs and stuck a finger inside her, pain lanced the pleasure. She let out a hiss and tried to pull away. He continued his movements, adding another finger.

Around the painful burning sensation, she could hear the loud slurping noise of her core as she took his fingers deeper. And then he began to suck on her clit in earnest, hooking his fingers upwards inside her to the very end of the digits. He thrusted his fingers inside her rapidly. The burning pain disappeared as he stroked deep inside her.

Her orgasm hit her fast and unexpected. She could feel herself shake; her pussy clenching painfully tight on his hands.

The orc let out a harsh string of words Astera did not understand. Fae curses, a hazy part of her mind supplied. She moaned in protest when he removed his fingers from her.

"Princess..." another fae curse. "You are so tight."

She wanted to be revolted at the sight of him licking his own fingers clean, but she was too languid to care.

The expression on the orc's face was impossible to read. "Now you must complete your half of the ceremony." He gestured to his body. Astera felt her heartbeat accelerate, until she realized he was pointing out all the spots where he had been marked with the red stain.

She sat up shakily. The orc laid down in her place. It was strange, seeing his deshelled black hair laid out on the furs. One set of arms laced behind his head. One hand rested on his stomach, the other gripped her thigh tightly, claws stroking repeatedly over her skin. It was a subtle warning to obey, but one that set her skin on fire with need.

Astera reached down hesitantly over the orc warriors face. Her cheeks heated with embarrassment, remembering how intense the orcs tongue had felt tracing over her. She could not replicate the sensation of his textured tongue. Nor did she want to. She needed to delay him. If she dragged out the ceremony long enough she might think of another escape.

She noticed the stain first on his fingers. Hesitantly, she reached for his hand instead. It felt too big and heavy between her own. Panic began to set in remembering how big his cock had looked nestled in his own hand. She pushed the thought out of her mind. She closed her eyes and popped one of his red-stained fingers into her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around the digit. It tasted faintly sweet. The stain itself was a bit spicy. She kept her eyes closed, moving on to the second finger and then the thumb. The stain came off with surprising ease.

Sheepishly, she put his hand down on the furs and looked up at him. His eyes were closed, brows knitted in concentration. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead. His fingers twitched against her thigh. It was strange, seeing the painful look of concentration on his face when she was simply touching him.

The red stain had been applied in swirling red patterns over his body. Four lines spread out from his chest and connected near his navel. Her tongue moved over them slowly. One from the base of his throat to the underside of his chin. She licked that one carefully, a thrill shooting up her spine feeling his throat dip and shudder against her tongue.

The final marking was below his navel. Her hands moved down the hard muscles of his stomach. Nervousness twitched in her gut as she gripped his cock, lifting the heft of it up so she could trace the line below his navel too. He had a heady, masculine scent she was not used to. Her mouth watered he invaded her senses.

She squeezed his cock carefully, testing the rigid hardness between her fingers. A bead of whiteish liquid precum gathered at the head and dribbled down his shaft. Below his sack twitched. His balls were each nearly the size of her fist.

She swallowed. Her tongue darted out quickly to lap at the stain until it was gone. Some of the liquid dribbled onto her skin. She brought her hand to her mouth, tongue swirling over the orc's cum. When she sat up, the orc king was staring at her.

"The marks have been removed." There was a slight rasp to his voice. His eyes were hungry as he roamed over her.

Astera tried to move back, but the orcs hand tightened around her thigh.

"I do not wish for this to be painful for you," the orc king appeared to struggle to admit the words, his teeth clenched. She found it hard to believe he was truly capable of such empathy. "Tasting my seed will help prepare you."

She stared down at his massive length. In the low light she could see the sheen of cum already coating him. She had to do it. She was certain he would kill her if she didn't comply. Her father was so desperate for the orc's loyalty no one would stop him.

The ache in her core intensified at the thought of such an intimate act- drinking from him directly. It was also true, although difficult to admit, that she would enjoy it.

She gripped him firmly at the base. His cock was hotter than the rest of him. She hesitantly licked the slit at the top, where the precum was leaking from. The orc king let out a snarl and his hips snapped up, forcing the head of his cock into her mouth. It barely fit.

She could feel his hands grabbing her arms and waist, holding her close. She swirled her tongue around experimentally, more of the liquid leaking into her mouth. It was warm. Slightly salty, or perhaps sweet? She couldn't decide.

She lavished her tongue against the head of his cock like he had done to her nipple. The orc let out a volley of curses, bucking his hips again. Even though she was the one touching him, she could feel her own pleasure increase. Seeing him come undone at her hands made her feel... powerful. Needy for more.

She stroked his cock experimentally. She squeezed his shaft. She had always been a diligent student, and sucking his cock was no except. She carefully noted what made his hips buck and how to twist her fist with each stroke so that he swore. It felt a little like revenge- controlling how and when he might feel pleasure. She licked him from base to tip. Cum ran down her fist in rivulets, and she tried to lick up as much as she could. She sucked his tip so hard her cheeks burned.

And she found his taste... satisfying. Not at all bitter or disgusting like she had expected. She sucked his cock further into her mouth and felt more cum leak out. It made her tongue tingle, a wave of heat rising through her body. She felt flushed.

She blinked, and suddenly her back was against the furs. The orc king was on top of her, his chest rising and falling rapidly with his breaths. He had moved impossibly fast. One of his hands went to his cock, stroking it in slow, languid movements until it was covered in his own cum.

Astera felt the breath halt in her lungs, seeing the man towering above her. He was panting for breath, one hand stroking himself. It was almost sinful to watch. And then he brought his cum-soaked hand up to her breast. Squeezing and massaging the cum into her skin. It began to tingle the same way her mouth did, heat flooding her anew. He repeated the motion with her other breast, and then over her neck. She was sticky with his cum.

"You are so wet for me," he rasped.

She jumped at the sudden sensation of another hand at her core. She had nearly forgotten he had four hands. On hand positioned near her head, caging her in. Another stroked his cock, her breast, and her centre all at the same time. She squeezed her eyes closed at the onslaught of sensation. She bit her lip until she felt blood seep onto her tongue. It wasn't enough. The moan that tore from her throat was a primal hiss. The orc growled his approval, grinding his hand against her core.

She didn't realize his cock had replaced his hand until it was too late. The sound of his cock brushing between her folds, spreading his cum through her soaking wet centre, was too lewd for her to handle. She wanted to pull away- she told herself to move, to thrash, to do anything except sit there and take it. But the ache at her centre was too much. She was throbbing, painfully empty, and tense with anticipation. She needed desperately to be filled.

The feeling of his cock head piercing her vagina made her half scream, half cry out. She spasmed against him. She wasn't sure if it was in rejection or acceptance. The painful stretch was white-hot, the pleasure completely gone.

The orc king let out another curse. He reached down and grabbed her face. "Relax. The pain will subside. You are-" when she attempted to move, he groaned, her cunt spasming on his cock. "Too tight," he ground out.

She was suddenly aware she was crying. She couldn't tell through her blurry vision if he was grimacing or not. She wanted to tell him she hated him- to scream, to swear, to punch or hit him. But all she did was cry.

He reached down and captured her lips between his own. The kiss was distracting. She forgot he even had tusks. His lips moved against hers. She was unsure at first how to respond. She had never been kissed this way before. His lips moved over hers, tongue darting out to taste her mouth.

When he pulled back his hips slightly and pushed his cock head back into her, her mouth opened with a squeak of surprise. He took the opportunity to capture her bottom lip between his teeth. Then his tongue was invading her mouth, dominating and controlling.

His tongue was wide and flat against her own, exploring her mouth. It was a delicious friction compared to the white-hot pain in her centre. His hands were all over her- in her hair, palming her breast, lifting her ass. He pushed further in.

It was slow, painful work, hazed over by pleasure the orc worked out of her flesh. Everything was too tight, too much- but also not enough. She felt herself tensing all over. The orc finally bottomed out inside her. She could feel the press of his heavy balls against her ass.

"Look at you. So soft," he murmured. "You take my cock so well."

He stroked her face, his movements slow and reverent. He moved down to her neck, sucking and biting at the skin. She could feel her core tightening, some more of the pain disappearing. He moved lower, palming her breast upwards and capturing her nipple between his teeth. The texture of his tongue against her sensitive flesh set her nerve endings of fire. She felt her pussy clench around his cock, and the orc king moaned low.

When he began to thrust, the pain was no longer so bright. Slowly she began to gain her bearings. The orc king moved her legs to wrap around his thighs. Somehow, he found ways to push deeper. The room was filled with the sounds of their bodies connecting. A wet slapping every time he pierced her. And when he began to thrust with earnest, she felt the tingling beginning within her, from where his cock penetrated her. The pain was almost completely gone, replaced with pleasure.

The orcs movements were controlled at first. As he thrusted faster his breath came in ragged gasps and his hips began shaking with each thrust. The tingling pleasure spread from her core into her limbs. Her breasts bounced with his movements. Sensations felt heightened around her. Her muscles were pulling tighter and tighter around him. She wasn't sure how she could handle anymore feeling, anymore pleasure. She clung to the arms that caged her, sobbing and pleading. She could feel the pleasure growing, and she knew instinctively she was reaching a peak.

It was so tight with every thrust she could feel his cock head spear her. He pressed deep within her, massaging her tightly wound cunt. With every thrust she could feel more and more of him. The fiery sensation seemed to only grow. Every flicker of pleasure was made stronger.

The orcs movements were growing sloppier. He leaned over her, his breath fanning her neck. When his tongue flicked out to taste her neck, she greedily pressed herself into him. When he laughed the vibration went all the way to his cock.

"Do you wish to cum, wife?" His voice was harsh, but husky with pleasure.

She could only nod in response. She didn't trust herself to speak. He grabbed one of her breasts, pinching the nipple hard until pain lanced through her. Her eyes shot open, her hooded gaze meeting his.

"Do you wish to cum?" He demanded.

Astera couldn't even bring herself to feel shame. "Yes."

The orc gave her a lopsided smirk. "You need only ask."

Despite the haze of pleasure, she found the strength to buck her hips up, glaring at him. He let out a hiss, pressing her hips into the bedding to hold her still.

"I- I want to cum," she stated.

He massaged the breast he had previous pinched. "Good. Now ask."

She couldn't believe how easily the words came to her. "Please make me cum." Her voice came out in a whisper, a little more than moan.

The orc king closed his eyes. He continued his punishing rhythm. He reached down to her neck again, sucking hard enough her back came off the bedding, pressing herself into him. One hand still kneaded her breast. She was squeezing him so tight. His cock felt like it was only growing larger. Her cunt sucked his cock further in. And then he reached down and stroked her clit in rapid circular motions.

Astera's second orgasm tore through her. She spasmed on his cock, squeezing his length so hard his hips stuttered in their movement. She sucked him deeper still, pressing his cock in as far as it would go. Her orgasm continued to pulse. She squeezed him as he thrusted, once, twice, and then he was coming too, balls grinding against her ass.

Her eyes shot wide open as his cock began pumping inside her. Filling her with his fertile seed. She had not planned on getting pregnant her wedding night, or ever. She knew she should push him off, she knew she should scream and run. Instead, her eyes rolled back with pleasure. She couldn't help it. He was pumping her full, and it felt fucking amazing.

His orgasm only heightened her own, her spasming muscles milking his cock, pulling more of his seed into her. Her entire body was shaking with the overload of pleasure. She could feel the pressure of her cunt expanding to accommodate all the cum, until it was leaking past where their bodies were sealed and down onto the furs and blankets below them.

The orc king was panting above her. He captured her lips with his own. Her lips were puffy from his rough touch. His tongue dived into her mouth, exploring and mixing their flavours. A calmness she had not felt for weeks settled over her. Her body felt limp and satisfied. The orc king pulled away from their kiss. She took a deep shaking breath.

"My mate, my wife." He trapped her in one more kiss before pulling away.

When he pulled out, she felt the loss immediately, her core clenching at the emptiness left behind. Then there was a surge as his cum began to leak from her. She could feel it pool beneath her in the furs. She tried to move but the orc gripped her thighs, holding her legs open. His nostrils flared slightly when he looked at her.

"You're bleeding." His tone was so matter-of-fact Astera didn't panic. When she looked up, she could see the gleam of red blood on the orc's cock. It was still hard, barely deflated at all.

She laid her head back on the furs. She swallowed thickly, a lump forming in her throat. Did she really have to explain it to him?

"I am- er, was a virgin," she supplied. She covered her face with the crook of her elbow. She didn't want to see his expression.

She felt the bed shift and dip with his weight. She peaked out the corner of her eye to see the orc king pad naked across the room. She closed her eyes when he returned. She flinched at the cool touch of fabric against her aching core. She cracked her eyes open. He was concentrated on his movements, using the scraps of her spider-silk dress to wipe away the blood.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He was scowling at her now.

She felt shrill laughter bubble in her throat. "Would it have made a difference?"

His scowl depended. His expression seemed troubled, contemplating a moment before responding. "Rest. We shall leave at dawn."

Her mouth twisted in a frown as she looked down at herself. She felt used, ruined. But also satiated deep within her body. She wanted a hot bath and a rough sponge to scrape at her skin. She moved underneath the furs. She curled into a ball, squeezing her eyes closed until sleep overcame her.

The Orc King - Chapter 1 - Happ_yy (2025)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.