Trying out the viral adobo chocolate chip cookie recipe, as an inexperienced home baker (2024)

MANILA, Philippines – It’s easy to hear about adobo chocolate chip cookies and be absolutely bewildered by the idea of it. It is an unlikely pair, but that’s what makes it so intriguing. It sat in the same part of my brain that fried frogs did, begging the question: what does it taste like?

The recipe published on NYT Cooking is taken from Filipino-American food blogger Abi Balingit’s cookbook, Mayumu: Filipino American Desserts Remixed. I first came across the book on one of my Twitter doom scrolls, just shortly after its release in March 2023, but it only really caught my attention after it received acclaim from Vogue and The New York Times.

And so, after clearing my schedule as a college student, I got to baking.

Time to bake

Balingit’s recipe calls for the usual chocolate chip cookie ingredients: all-purpose flour, baking soda, unsalted butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar (this is very important), large eggs, vanilla extract, dark chocolate, and flaky sea salt.

The adobo part comes with the addition of bay leaves, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, and pink peppercorns.

As I was buying the ingredients, I dropped three things from my shopping list: pink peppercorns, sea salt, and granulated sugar. The pink peppercorns and sea salt weren’t available at the local grocery store, so I decided not to include them. I did find them on Shopee, and as of writing, I wait for them to be shipped to my address. My biggest mistake was not including the granulated sugar, but more on that later!

It was exciting to see the ingredients come together in a way I hadn’t imagined possible. The earthy scent emerging from the saucepan as I melted and browned the butter with bay leaves is something I never knew I’d associate with desserts, but there it was, filling the kitchen as I prepared the cookies.

Trying out the viral adobo chocolate chip cookie recipe, as an inexperienced home baker (1)

Mixing the butter with the brown sugar, which I added more of in lieu of the granulated sugar, I pictured what would come out of the oven: those thin, gooey chocolate chip cookies, sans the pink peppercorns and sea salt, as seen on Balingit’s social media posts.

the adobo chocolate chip cookies! ft. brown butter steeped in bay leaves, soy sauce, vinegar, toasted pink peppercorns, & flaky sea salt! 🍪

— abi balingit 🌸 MAYUMU OUT NOW! 🌸 (@theduskykitchen) March 4, 2023

However, 45 minutes later, with the dough chilled and then shoved in the oven with walnuts sprinkled over, my cookies came out very different. Not only were they semi-burnt, thanks to my neglect, but they were also not thin and gooey like I’d imagined. I would learn later on that this is because of the sugar.

Granulated sugar absorbs liquid, so when put in dough, it slows down the development of gluten, resulting in thinner cookies. But because the gluten in my cookies developed, the dough held a round shape and kept the chocolate from melting into a bittersweet pool. And of course, because the test batch was burnt, the cookies left a strong, salty taste and almost numbing feel to the mouth. The learning curve is tight for an inexperienced baker like me.

Trying out the viral adobo chocolate chip cookie recipe, as an inexperienced home baker (2)

But after the flop rain comes the slay rainbow.

The following morning, I popped a second batch into the oven and set my timer to 10 minutes. And this time, though they still looked nothing like Balingit’s cookies, they were much better than the ones I had baked the previous night.

Trying out the viral adobo chocolate chip cookie recipe, as an inexperienced home baker (3)

These cookies surprised me, but not in the way I expected them to. I was waiting for the savory and sweet to battle it out on the palate, an explosion of too-strong flavors that would have me scrambling for water. Instead, it was rich, possessing a sweetness deepened with umami. I ended up having at least half of that batch before remembering to save some for the family.

The beauty of fusion desserts

Abi Balingit was raised in the Bay Area and is currently based in New York City. In 2020, she started her blog, The Dusky Kitchen, where she posted recipes of other fusion desserts like kare-kare cookies and pumpkin pie hopia, as well as Filipino classics like buko pandan salad and pandesal.

In her Vogue interview, she recounted being asked in 2020 if she was interested in writing a cookbook. “They were just so on board and excited about what I was doing, and I was like, ‘I think I would be really interested in writing a Filipino-American dessert cookbook of some sort.’ What I was making, even at the start of the pandemic, was always kind of fusion stuff, Asian American and mostly Filipino, because that’s what I know best,” she said.

Balingit also said that if she had to choose one recipe to make forever, it would be the adobo chocolate chip cookies. “I feel like it captures the spirit of the book in terms of having fun and experimenting with aspects of Filipino cuisine outside of ‘savory only’ or ‘dessert only,’” she said. “There’s room for all those interesting dynamics to come together.”

Truly, the adobo chocolate chip cookies epitomize fusion, not only of American and Filipino tastes, but also of the salty and sweet. So with nothing but praise for Mayumu and its take on fusion desserts on my Twitter timeline, it was so surprising to see it reach viral status with hate.

When the New York Times published a video on social media featuring the cookies in April 2023, Filipino netizens were aghast at the idea of this strange new fusion dessert. Negative reactions ranged from “Yuck” to one Twitter user saying “Gosh, now I understand how Italians feel about bastardized pizzas.”

These adobo chocolate chip cookies combine sweet, salty, savory, sour, and umami.

— The New York Times (@nytimes) April 7, 2023

To this, Abi said that she wanted people to approach her recipes with an open mind and try them before passing judgement. In an interview with Teresa Tran for Joy Sauce, she said, “I really urge people to come to desserts and recipes with an open mind. I think there’s a lot of clickbait of ‘Oh my God, what is that? What abomination is that?’ I think the shock value of that was not really my intention. Read a recipe and try tasting it before you make assumptions about that recipe.”

When it comes to fusion cuisine, we worry about what it means to elevate local and national dishes to international standards and pander to the Western palate. Balingit is not preoccupied with this.

Instead, she takes the chocolate chip cookie and gives it a twist that caters to the Filipino palate, in a way that just sits right with the soul (and the stomach). The adobo chocolate chip cookies fulfill the promise made in Mayumu’s blurb: it is both nostalgic and excitingly new. It evokes the coziness of freshly baked cookies and adobo hot out of the pot — what’s not to love about it?

Mayumu: Filipino American Desserts Remixed is currently available at National Book Store. –

Sophia Gonzaga is a Rappler intern.

Trying out the viral adobo chocolate chip cookie recipe, as an inexperienced home baker (2024)


Was the chocolate chip cookie invented by mistake? ›

In this era, the Toll House Inn was a popular restaurant that featured home cooking. A myth holds that she accidentally developed the cookie, and that she expected the chocolate chunks would melt, making chocolate cookies. That is not the case; Wakefield stated that she deliberately invented the cookie.

What did Ruth Wakefield discover? ›

Ruth Graves Wakefield was a chef who is best known for inventing one of the most iconic desserts in American history: the chocolate chip cookie. Born in 1903, Wakefield was much more than a recipe developer: She was also a college-educated chef, dietitian, teacher, business owner, and cookbook author.

What did Ruth Wakefield receive in return from the Nestlé company? ›

Nestlé gained permission to print Wakefield's recipe on the back of their packaging. In return, it was said that Wakefield received a $1 payment for rights to the recipe, all the chocolate she would need for a lifetime of baking, and a consulting deal to work with Nestlé on other recipes.

Why was the chocolate chip cookie so successful? ›

The Evolution of the Chocolate Chip Cookie

Toll House Cookies were sent overseas to boost morale when the USA entered the war. After the war, the cookies became even more popular and eventually earned the title of America's favorite cookie.

What cookie was not invented until 1938? ›

It wasn't until very recently, around 1938, that chocolate chip cookies were first invented. Unlike a lot of other things, the chocolate chip cookie was not invented by accident. During the 1930s, a chef named Ruth Graves Wakefield decided to give something different to her customers.

Are chocolate chip cookies older than Oreos? ›

In 1938, the chocolate chip cookie was reportedly invented by Ruth Wakefield, who ran the Toll House restaurant with her husband in Massachusetts. Chocolate chip cookies, however, as much of a classic as they have become today, were actually pre-dated by Oreos by 26 years.

Who made the first cookie? ›

Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors.

Who made the first chocolate chip cookie? ›

The original recipe was created in the late 1930s by Ruth Wakefield who famously ran the Toll House restaurant in Whitman, Massachusetts. The delicious mix of crispy cookie and melted chocolate chunks first appeared in her 1938 cookbook “Tried and True,” and was intended to accompany ice cream.

Who invented chocolate chips? ›

Chocolate chips were created with the invention of chocolate chip cookies in 1937 when Ruth Graves Wakefield of the Toll House Inn in the town of Whitman, Massachusetts added cut-up chunks of a semi-sweet Nestlé chocolate bar to a cookie recipe.

What Candy did Nestlé sell? ›

Nestle is selling its U.S. confectionery business to Italian chocolate and candy maker Ferrero for an estimated $2.8 billion, the company said Tuesday. Nestle's American sweet treats include Nestle Crunch, Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, Raisinets, Nips, Skinny Cow and Laffy Taffy.

What candy brands did Nestlé sell? ›

Analysts are calling it a $2.8 billion testament to Americans' changing tastes in food: On Tuesday, Nestle — the maker of Butterfinger, Baby Ruth and Raisinets — agreed to sell its U.S. candy brands to Nutella-maker Ferrero.

What did Nestlé originally sell? ›

Henri's product was a carefully formulated mixture of cow's milk, flour and sugar. Nestlé's first product was called Farine Lactée (“cornflour gruel” in French) Henri Nestlé. The product was first used on a premature baby who could not tolerate his mother's milk or other alternative products of that time.

What country invented cookies? ›

The Origin of the Cookie

They date back as early as 7th Century A.D. Persia which is now Iran. They were one of the first countries to grow and harvest sugar cane. With war and exploration eventually sugar was introduced to the Mediterranean area and European countries and so were cookies.

What is the first cookie ever made? ›

– The earliest cookie-style cakes are thought to date back to 7th century Persia A.D. (now Iran), one of the first countries to cultivate sugar (luxurious cakes and pastries in large and small versions were well known in the Persian empire).

What is the number one cookie in the world? ›

Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co.

How was the chocolate chip cookie accidentally invented? ›

Rumor has it Ruth was attempting to make chocolate cookies for the inn when she ran out of baker's chocolate. As a frantic substitute, she grabbed a Nestlé chocolate bar and broke it into chunks, hoping the melted chocolate would mix in with the dough.

How did Ruth Graves Wakefield invent the chocolate chip cookie? ›

Sometime in the 1930s Wakefield came up with the recipe for chocolate chip cookies. She chopped a Nestlé semisweet chocolate bar into small pieces and dropped them into a cookie batter. The chocolate remained in chunks and did not melt. She called it the Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookie.

Who made the first cookie and why? ›

Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors.

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